Hi all,

I have been working on DeveloperStudio UI test automation (SWTBot + Maven).

The framework has been set and I have started to write tests. I found some
custom controls are not very straight forward to be tested.

SWTBot [1] has its own API to to find swt components.  And the custom
controls which are extended from org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.* can be tested
using wrappers [2].

There are support for other types of controls as well (some of the

I confronted a custom control which is extended from

This custom control contains a org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree.

I'm using org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder;bundle-version="2.0.5" and

SWTBot couldn't find any tree when I attempt to search as follows,

SWTBotTree tree = bot.tree(); for (SWTBotTreeItem treeItem :
tree.getAllItems()) {}

I tried with (which is working for org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.FormText),

But following semantic error was shown by the eclipse editor(3.7.2).

'Multiple markers at this line - Bound mismatch: The generic method
widgetOfType(Class) of type WidgetMatcherFactory is not applicable for the
arguments (Class). The inferred type MasterDetailsBlock is not a valid
substitute for the bounded parameter - Bound mismatch: The generic method
widget(Matcher) of type SWTBotFactory is not applicable for the arguments
(Matcher). The inferred type MasterDetailsBlock is not a valid substitute
for the bounded parameter '

A query is already posted in stack overflow by myself [4], and I'm *still
on a research.*

I couldn't find any up-to-date document to get a clear impression on what
are *not *supported by SWTBot. In the negative case the support can be
contributed [5].
Please suggest me any workarounds or solutions to solve this issue.

[1] http://www.eclipse.org/swtbot/
[2] http://wiki.eclipse.org/SWTBot/Testing_Custom_Controls
[5] http://aniszczyk.org/2010/05/09/swtbot-and-eclipse-forms/

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Kanarupan Kularatnarajah <
kanaru...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm working on WSO2 Developer Studio UI testing.
> I'm onto SWTBot [1] due to the following.
>    - open source UI testing tool (*plug-ins*, SWT, RCP...)
>    - variety of cross platform support
>    - good integration with JUnit framework
>    - adequate information on the Internet
>    - also recommended from experienced colleagues
> Abstract:    Created a plugin which uses maven plug-in (tycho surefire)
> [1] to run UI tests during maven build cycle. The pom.xml of this plug-in
> is set to test the WSO2 developer studio on top of org.eclipse.sdk.ide.
> This well known Maven Architecture gives us a glance [2].
> Steps:
>          1. Created an eclipse plug-in which can be used to test other
> units (plugins, bundles etc).
>    - added SWTBot dependencies (screen shot attached:
>    Dependencies_added.png)
>    - written test classes
>          2. On Eclipse IDE this test plugin can be configured run relevant
> through Run As-> Run Configurations
>    - I tested the* *"org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.product" as the first
>    step (screen shot attached:Configuring_product.png)
>          3. Set the pom.xml for the  "org.eclipse.sdk.ide" testing (as the
> POC before the actual dealing with WSO2 developer studio).
>    - configured the *tycho-surefire-plugin* to use the UI [3]
>                       (pom.xml is attached: POC_Product_pom.xml)
>          4. On top of the "org.eclipse.sdk.ide", I have imposed the WSO2
> carbon features to test WSO2 developer studio.
>    - Added the necessary dependencies to perform the above mentioned task
>    using the pom.xml files in Developer_studio_trunk-> features-> <inside all
>    the directories>
>    -  Necessary Bundle dependencies are identified using the
>    <BundleArtifactDef> and the<BundleDef> in the pom.xml files   (resulted
>    pom.xml is attached: WSO2_developerStudio_pom.xml)
> [1] http://swtbot.com/
> [2]
> http://media.techtarget.com/tss/static/articles/content/MavenMagic/Figure1.jpg<http://www.theserverside.com/news/1364572/Maven-Magic>
> [3]
> http://wiki.eclipse.org/Tycho/FAQ#How_to_use_SWTBot_or_some_UI_tool_for_testing.3F
> --
> ... K. Kanarupan

... K. Kanarupan
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