Hai Dinusha,

                  At the later part of your answer, you mentioned the how
to send the request. Do we have a use case where "without API manager".
AFAIR, It has been clearly said during the final discussion , request will
be given inbuilt or external APIM. But you mention about without APIM.


On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Dinusha Senanayaka <dinu...@wso2.com>wrote:

> Hi Ragu,
> We have wrote a Tomcat Valve which will be act as interceptor for all
> incoming requests. There was a need of using
> Axis2ConfigurationContextObserver to get the throttling related properties,
> which cannot be done through the CXF hander in GREG REST API. This tomcat
> valve can be used not only by the GReg, also from any other product like
> AS, DSS when it comes to manage APIs.
> Also we have been working on, getting publisher and store jaggery apps
> into Greg. It was not straight forward because just putting these apps into
> GReg wont work. We had do some code changes in apimgt side to avoid synapse
> dependencies. As an example, api-store and publisher need to have
> apimgt-impl component been activated and while this module getting
> activated we are creating the tenant artifacts by coping  synapse.xml files
> into synapse deployment directories of tenants. We had to customize apimgt
> code that it can identify the where api management is doing and avoid these
> synapse related tasks.
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Sriragu Arudsothy <srir...@wso2.com>wrote:
>> Hai Dinusha and Lakmali,
>>                                     Please update this mail thread that
>> what have you done so far  regarding the "Lightweight API manager
>> component".
>> 1) Please let me know the strategy that you are using when integrate the
>> external API manager instance.
>> 2) when an API manager instance  externally running,  Do we need to call
>> the API published at the API gateway? or Does the user call the Registry
>> REST API and re-directing the URL to API gateway URL?
>> 3) If it is a lightweight APIM component which resides within G-Reg, Will
>> the request be given to Registry REST API ?
> Answering to the Q 1, 2, 3:
> Always user request will be to the G-Reg API. If the <ManageAPIs> is
> enabled then API Management will be handle through the embedded apimgt
> components. And If <ManageAPIs> enabled and if it has been provided
> <Store>, <Publisher>, <Gateway>, <KeyManager> urls, then request will be
> redirect to the external api manager. Always, request will be first hit at
> the tomcat valve that we have added, logic will be reside in this valve ,
> how api management is handling, whether inbuilt, external or without api
> management.
> Regards,
> Dinusha.
>> What has to be done to complete it ?
>> Because  the Greg has a strict dead line to finish off by next week ?
>> Thanks!
>> Ragu
>> On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Sriragu Arudsothy <srir...@wso2.com>wrote:
>>> Hai Sanjeewa..!
>>>                          We are having a strategic discussion that how
>>> to include the API publisher/ store jag apps to other products. Therefore,
>>> I will update this thread after the discussion...! As far as I understand,
>>> there will be single interceptor which decides the processing path
>>> according to the <manageAPIs> property value.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Ragu
>>> On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Sriragu Arudsothy <srir...@wso2.com>wrote:
>>>> Hai Lakmali..!
>>>>                        Yes,  the above link does not work...! I moved
>>>> the user token generation menu under the "Resources" menu in order to
>>>> appear for Greg. Therefore the existing doc won't work. Also these changes
>>>> have not yet been committed. I will give you , the locally built latest
>>>> Greg 4.6.0 pack which has every thing. You can also try out some samples.
>>>> When you get the access token via that option , that access token will be
>>>> based on "Client_Credentials" grant type.  Since the API store jag app will
>>>> be there anyway to incorporate the light weight APIM component. Therefore
>>>> the users are required to generate the access token via store when the
>>>> <manage APIs> property set to true. Therefore I have to update the doc for
>>>> generating the access token for either <manageApis> property set to true or
>>>> false.
>>>> I will update the Doc as quickly as possible.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Ragu
>>>> On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Sanjeewa Malalgoda 
>>>> <sanje...@wso2.com>wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Dinusha Senanayaka 
>>>>> <dinu...@wso2.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> This is what we are going to add from the APIM side.
>>>>>> 1) We will be exposing current api manager handlers related
>>>>>> functionalities as some common packages. So this bundle can be included
>>>>>> into any of products to get API Management without using external API
>>>>>> Manager. (i.e APIAuthenticationHandler, APIThrottleHandler and
>>>>>> APIMgtUsageHandler)
>>>>>> 2) There will be a new parameter added to carbon.xml to check whether
>>>>>> APIManagement is enable or not.
>>>>>> <ManageAPIs>true/false<ManageAPIs>
>>>>>> 3) There will be a interceptor which hit first and invoke the API
>>>>>> Management functionalities when the above parameter is set to true.
>>>>>> Depending on the service type, aixs2 or registry api etc, this 
>>>>>> interceptor
>>>>>> may vary.
>>>>>> When this comes to registry, we can call this api-management
>>>>>> functionalities that we are going to expose through new package from the
>>>>>> JAXWS web app that Ragu has created to expose the registry api. Since
>>>>>> generic store feature is not going to release with the up coming registry
>>>>>> release, we may need to include APIM Store jaggery app as well in to 
>>>>>> GReg.
>>>>> Just to clarify. With this model where we can create
>>>>> APIs, subscriptions and generate tokens? Do we provide some UI capability
>>>>> for this? Do we have single interceptor which handles all requests?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Sanjeewa.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Dinusha.
>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Sriragu Arudsothy <srir...@wso2.com
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> Hai Lalaji, Dinusha..!
>>>>>>>                                  We have had a discussion about the
>>>>>>> Light weight APIM component for other wso2 products as well as How to 
>>>>>>> fit
>>>>>>> that to the Registry REST API. According to the last discussion with
>>>>>>> Lalaji, Dinusha and Lakmali We derived some points which I would like to
>>>>>>> mention..! Still there is some ambiguity at the APIM side.
>>>>>>> 1) The current implemetation of the registry REST API requires the
>>>>>>> APIM has to be running as a separate instance while having a 
>>>>>>> configuration
>>>>>>> file (.xml) has the API manager url endpoints in it. The above config 
>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>> was located at the Greg_Home/repository/conf.
>>>>>>> 2) The light weight API manager component will reside at the Greg.
>>>>>>>  The flow of request goes as below,
>>>>>>> Rest Client request-----> Request filter/Some filter mechanism
>>>>>>> ------>light weight APIM ------> Registry REST API ---->Response back to
>>>>>>> Client.
>>>>>>> The above path will be executed if the APIM enabled property set to
>>>>>>> true at the config file...!
>>>>>>> Otherwise it request filter assumes that the request should be
>>>>>>> processed without APIM. Request filter executes the OAuth validation 
>>>>>>> logic
>>>>>>> at the Greg REST API and proceeds to resource . Therefore the Request
>>>>>>> filter will be functioning as a centralized routing element decides 
>>>>>>> whether
>>>>>>> the request to be processed via light weight APIM comp or alone at the 
>>>>>>> Greg
>>>>>>> REST API.
>>>>>>> @Lalaji and Dinusha please add  anything if I miss anything.
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Ragu
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 12:01 PM, Sriragu Arudsothy <srir...@wso2.com
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hai All,
>>>>>>>>            First of all, I will explain the architecture of the
>>>>>>>> REST API implementation. The Registry REST API has two mode of
>>>>>>>> functionality.
>>>>>>>> 1) Standalone mode -
>>>>>>>> Straight access to Registry REST API. This has been done and
>>>>>>>> working fine. In this case Registry provide a way to generate the OAuth
>>>>>>>> Access token  for users to access the resources. Therefore the REST 
>>>>>>>> calls
>>>>>>>> can be made from any REST client with an access token to access the
>>>>>>>> resources.
>>>>>>>> 2) With API Manager Mode -
>>>>>>>> This means the access to Registry REST API with the Externally
>>>>>>>> running API manager instance. In here, the admin or any responsible 
>>>>>>>> person
>>>>>>>> will publish the REST API via API publisher. Therefore the REST API 
>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>> be available for subscriber / endusers. Once the access token has been
>>>>>>>> generated, user will be able to access the  Registry Resources.
>>>>>>>> In this mode, There are 2 ways in which I have implemented the REST
>>>>>>>> API invocation process. This is explained as below.
>>>>>>>> 1 >> REST client ----> API gateway(REST API published at the APIM)
>>>>>>>> ---->Registry REST API ----> Registry Resource ----> Response go to 
>>>>>>>> REST
>>>>>>>> client.
>>>>>>>> The above implementation works fine.
>>>>>>>> 2 >> REST Client -----> Registry REST API ----> Call the REST
>>>>>>>> endpoint at the APIM ----> return call from APIM to Registry REST API 
>>>>>>>> ---->
>>>>>>>> Registry Resource ----> Response back to REST client.
>>>>>>>> The above approach, I have the an issue to pass the payload from
>>>>>>>> Registry REST API to APIM. I have designed the REST API in CXF/ 
>>>>>>>> JAx-Rs. The
>>>>>>>> apache CXF Jax-Rs implementation provide a Request Handler which is an
>>>>>>>> interceptor for the incoming requests. Therefore any request made from 
>>>>>>>> REST
>>>>>>>> client to Registry REST API will hit the Request Handler First.
>>>>>>>> Therefore, when the request go to the handler, it will check
>>>>>>>> whether the request comes from APIM or Straight from the Client. If it
>>>>>>>> comes from the client it will call the REST API endpoint at the APIM 
>>>>>>>> via an
>>>>>>>> apache HttpClient. Therefore when I call it, I have to extract the 
>>>>>>>> access
>>>>>>>> token, queryParam, payload..etc from REST client's request and add it 
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> the request given to APIM. But I am able to extract the access token,
>>>>>>>> queryparam and add it to HttpMethod and call the APIM. Request Handler
>>>>>>>> seems that does not have a way to extract the payload ( POST/PUT).
>>>>>>>> Therefore unable to pass the payload to the REGISTRY REST API. That is 
>>>>>>>> why
>>>>>>>> GET and DELETE requests are working fine in the second approach since 
>>>>>>>> those
>>>>>>>> do not require the payload. BUT POST/PUT requests fail to proceed.
>>>>>>>> Therefore The CXF JAX-RS Request Handler has both the Standalone
>>>>>>>> Mode and APIM mode execution. Therefore the standalone mode is working
>>>>>>>> fine. But Which approach to be selected regarding the APIM mode to put 
>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>> in the request handler class. Since there is an issue in Approach 2 @ 
>>>>>>>> APIM
>>>>>>>> mode, It went to approach 1. According to the approach 1 the code will 
>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>> cleaner than approach 2.
>>>>>>>> *According to Approach 1 @APIM mode the example Request URL will
>>>>>>>> be,*
>>>>>>>> http://{ipaddress}:8280/{REST API context
>>>>>>>> @APIM}/{version}/comments?path=/sample.xml.
>>>>>>>> *in Standalone mode:
>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>> http:{IP address}:{greg http port}/{rest api context @
>>>>>>>> greg}/comments?path=/sample.xml.
>>>>>>>> The APIM team already given their words to derive an integrate able
>>>>>>>> APIM solution for other WSO2 products. Meanwhile we heard that APIM 
>>>>>>>> team
>>>>>>>> working on that too.
>>>>>>>> Few days ago, Had a chat with APIM guys, They said that API
>>>>>>>> publisher and API store will be there as it is. Therefore whoever 
>>>>>>>> wants to
>>>>>>>> publish an API have login to the API publisher and publish an API. 
>>>>>>>> This can
>>>>>>>> not be done automatically during the server starts up.
>>>>>>>> This is all about the integration part of REST API with API
>>>>>>>> Manager. @APIM please let us know the current stage of your solution.
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>> Ragu
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Dinusha Dilrukshi
>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.: http://wso2.com/
>>>>>> Mobile: +94725255071
>>>>>> Blog: http://dinushasblog.blogspot.com/
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>>>>> --
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> *Sanjeewa Malalgoda*
>>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>>> Mobile : +94713068779
>>>>>  <http://sanjeewamalalgoda.blogspot.com/>blog
>>>>> :http://sanjeewamalalgoda.blogspot.com/<http://sanjeewamalalgoda.blogspot.com/>
> --
> Dinusha Dilrukshi
> Senior Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc.: http://wso2.com/
> Mobile: +94725255071
> Blog: http://dinushasblog.blogspot.com/
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