Hi All,

I think it'd be good if we have the $Subject. What need to be done is to
have a simple config in pom.xml (or some other config method) which enables
a carbon server get started (and shutdown/cleanup) and run some external
test cases along with it. As I see we currently depend on TestNG this might
involve some custom task execution for Ant based JUnit tests etc... (not
sure whether we have tried that?) or something similar.

For example if you have a TCK jar (which might be based on JUnit tests) it
should be able to run with the framework as part of the integration test
flow and get the results. This would be very much useful when it comes to
specification implementations so it can run any other standard compatible
TCKs as part of the product integration test suite to showcase the


Vijitha Kumara
Senior Software Engineer; WSO2, Inc.;  http://wso2.com/
email: viji...@wso2.com

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