
I fallowed the [1] to setup a SSO environment with the fallowing products.


When I go to AS login page https://localhost:9443/carbon/  I was redirected
to IS. When I tried login using admin/admin I got the below error message.

Authentication/Authorization Failure

This might be due to different reasons.


   This Authentication Request is malformed or is not issued by an valid

   You are not autherized to sign-in to this service. Please contact the
   administrator of your organization.

   This service is not enabled for your organization. Please contact the
   administrator of your organization.

Please Try Again. <https://localhost:9444/carbon/admin/login.jsp>

Logs of IS

[2014-01-17 15:17:42,763]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.StartupFinalizerServiceComponent} -
Server           :  WSO2 Identity Server-4.6.0
[2014-01-17 15:17:42,764]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.StartupFinalizerServiceComponent} -  WSO2
Carbon started in 26 sec
[2014-01-17 15:17:42,978]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.ui.internal.CarbonUIServiceComponent} -  Mgt Console URL
: https://localhost:9443/carbon/
[2014-01-17 15:17:43,076]  INFO
-  Started thrift entitlement service at port:10500
[2014-01-17 15:17:59,038]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.internal.SchemaBuilder} -  XACML
policy schema loaded successfully.
[2014-01-17 15:28:51,681]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.services.util.CarbonAuthenticationUtil} -
'admin@carbon.super [-1234]' logged in at [2014-01-17 15:28:51,680-0500]

AS logs
nt} -  Mgt Console URL  :
[2014-01-17 15:28:52,632] ERROR
{org.wso2.carbon.identity.authenticator.saml2.sso.SAML2SSOAuthenticator} -
SAML Response is not signed. So authentication process will be terminated.
[2014-01-17 15:28:52,664] ERROR
{org.wso2.carbon.identity.authenticator.saml2.sso.SAML2SSOAuthenticator} -
Authentication Request is rejected.  Signature validation failed.
[2014-01-17 15:28:52,699]  WARN
{org.wso2.carbon.core.services.util.CarbonAuthenticationUtil} -  Failed
Administrator login attempt 'admin[-1234]' at [2014-01-17 15:28:52,682-0500]
[2014-01-17 15:28:52,800] ERROR
-  Authentication failed.
[2014-01-17 15:28:52,802]  INFO
-  null@null successfully logged out
[2014-01-17 15:29:08,170] ERROR
{org.wso2.carbon.identity.authenticator.saml2.sso.SAML2SSOAuthenticator} -
SAML Response is not signed. So authentication process will be terminated.

[1] http://docs.wso2.org/display/IS410/Enabling+SSO+for+WSO2+Servers

Udara Liyanage
Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc.: http://wso2.com
lean. enterprise. middleware

web: http://udaraliyanage.wordpress.com
phone: +94 71 443 6897
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