I have encountered an issue during the implementation. Initial plan was as

governance.api contains following modules.

   - GovernanceBatchValidate interface: This interface contains the
   validate method.
   - GovernanceAggregateOperations: This uses the OSGi service tracker to
   retrieve the correct validator which is registered as an OSGi service.
   (This registration happens in governance.registry.extenstions, thus
   requires that dependency)

governance.registry.extenstions contains following modules:

   - LifecycleValidateUtil: At the moment, only this is implemented as a
   custom validator. This checks whether lifecycle states are consistent. This
   class implements GovernanceBatchValidate interface mentioned above(So that
   dependency is required here.)
   - BatchValidateServiceComponent: This registers the above implementation
   as an OSGi service. This will be used in GovernanceAggregateOperations
   class mentioned above.

This design as has flaw as there are cyclic references in the
dependencies(governance.api uses governance.registry.extensions and vice
versa). What may the possible solutions for this issue?

Currently we have a thought of moving GovernanceAggregateOperations into

Best regards,
Maheshakya Wijewardena,
Software Engineering Intern.
Dev mailing list

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