
I am working on the $subject. According to the current implementation users
has to put webapps inside repositro/depolment/server/webapss and access
them via host name "localhost" only. I have modified carbontomcat.java to
deploy webapps in a location defined inside appBase of virtualhosts. But
this needs to add an entry to component.xml to direct the name of webapps
directory to the relevent WebAppDeployer class. (Adding an entry to
component.xml each time a new appBase is created is not preferred)

I have tried following steps when adding deployers to deployment engine
without reading component.xml file. When reading component.xml file, the
Axis2DeployerRegistry class adds the deployers and relevant directory names
to a deploymentEngine. In order to skip reading component.xml, deployment
engine should be updated using the virtual host appBase values and deployer

*Scenario 1*

   1.     I created a new service component class inside
   /org/wso2/carbon/webapp/deployer/internal/ and added following,

                                 CarbonTomcatService carbonTomcatService =
                                 DeploymentEngine deploymentEngine =

             This gave null values to both variables.
("serverConfigContext" and "carbonTomcatService" variables initialize
inside service components in /org/wso2/carbon/webapp/mgt/internal. So it
seems the newly created service component classes executes first)

*Scenario 2*

   1.  I have created a new OSGI bundle which tries to read above two
   variables inside its Activator class and service component class. I could
   read proper values inside the service component class and update deployment
   engine. But according to logs, this executes after starting the wso2
   carbon.  But, the following statement does deploy the webapps inside the

directory, extension);

But I am able to access webapps using host name "localhost" only,  What
could be the issue here?



Nipuni Perera
Software Engineer; WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
Email: nip...@wso2.com
Git hub profile: https://github.com/nipuni
Mobile: +94 (71) 5626680
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