Hi All,

I'm working on writing integration tests for ESB Codeplex connector and I
went through available connector examples. All the tests were written in
single class(ConnectorIntegrationTest) so far. All mandatory parameter
tests, optional parameter tests and faulty parameter tests were written in
single class.
Due to this integration test class getting too lengthy and not readable.

Have anyone tried using parameterized test approach (
http://www.tutorialspoint.com/testng/testng_parameterized_test.htm) as a
workaround to this problem?

If we can introduce this approach for connector integration testing, we
only need one method per proxy. By changing parameters we can develop "n"
number of test cases for same proxy.

Pumudu Ruhunage
Associate Software Engineer | WSO2 Inc
M: +94 779 664493  | http://wso2.com
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