Hi all,

I have started to work on $subject[1]. Currently we poll all the user home
data based on a timeout to update the user home and in current
implementation we are fetching all the application's data each time
regardless of the *applicationCreationStatus*.This operation causes huge
delay in user home. On the other hand we cannot cache *userHomeInfo* directly
since it includes a dynamic data element,*applicationCreationStatus[2] and
a*s a solution the approach that we going to take here is, first we'll
retrieve the User Home data based on each *applicationCreationStatus* and
cache them separately as user_home_apps_completed, user_home_apps_pending,
user_home_apps_failed and then we'll only poll for the pending and failed
applications based on the cached app info and update the cache accordingly.
This we reduce the delay in the home page after the the first login.

[1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/APPFAC-2396
[2] Mail thread: [AppFactory] Updating ApplicationInfoService

Best Regards

Samith Dassanayake
Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
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