Hi Darshana,

Please find my comments inline.

On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 6:24 PM, Darshana Gunawardana <darsh...@wso2.com>
> Hi folks,
> Do we support $subject in Identity Server? AFAIK, we can generate a
> (proprietary) logout request by calling commonauth as follows,
> https://localhost:9443/commonauth?commonAuthLogout=true&type=samlsso&sessionDataKey=7fa50562-2d0f-4234-8e39-8a7271b9b273&commonAuthCallerPath=http://localhost:9764/travelocity.com/index.jsp
> But this is not a Single logout, right? AFAIK, this just remove the IdP
> session and return back to the url specified in commonAuthCallerPath.
> Please correct me if i am wrong.

You are correct.

> If we consider some use case,
> Lets say we have 4 service providers in the system. Two of them are use
> SAML and other two using OIDC as their authentication protocol. Ideally if
> i logout from one of my SAML app, it should logged me out from other saml
> app as well as two OIDC apps.
> So, in simple words, in the future can we support for SLO among all
> service providers which communicate through a protocol which have single
> logout capability.

This is complicated. Because, SLO could be handled only by the protocol
endpoints (servlets), not by a common point like Authentication Framework.
And each protocol might have a set of SLO related rules/procedures which
are known and handled only by that protocol, thus cannot be handled by the
authentication framework. E.g. Issuance and maintenance of SessionIndex in

So taking the example you have mentioned, we are talking about initiating a
SLO request from the OAuth2/OpenIDConnect servlet upon a SAML logout
request. (Please note that I'm not familiar with the OIDC Session
Management spec, so I'm assuming SLO is in it and IS will have it in near

We might have to further brainstorm on this.

> PS : seen following jira[1] which also related.
> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/IDENTITY-2643
> Thanks,
> Darshana
> --
> Regards,
> *Darshana Gunawardana*Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
> *E-mail: darsh...@wso2.com <darsh...@wso2.com>*
> *Mobile: +94718566859 <%2B94718566859>*Lean . Enterprise . Middleware

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