Hi All,

Currently I'm working on implementing $subject[1]. I went through how
Dsetup feature implemented in API Manager(APIMgtDBUtil.java).
My high level plan is to implement this feature for mysql,h2,mssql,oracle
databases as follows.

1. Read 'repository/conf/datasources/datasource.xml' and put those
configurations into 'configuration' hashmap as key value pairs. (Ignore
multiple reads of datasource.xml)

2. For each RDBMS store configuration verify if there's a corresponding sql
in mb-store directory. Else skip that configuration.

3. Execute each sql with given configuration parameters. (Ignore multiple

Any advice/ suggestions will be helpful.

[1] - https://wso2.org/jira/browse/MB-909

Pumudu Ruhunage
Associate Software Engineer | WSO2 Inc
M: +94 779 664493  | http://wso2.com
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