
All the artifacts created by RXTs (such as appversion) were not indexed in
App Factory as we have missed the relevant indexer configurations from
registry.xml file.
I have fixed the issue by adding the below config there.


Note:In order to work indexing properly with your artifacts, artifactType
defined in RXTs should match with 'mediaTypeRegEx' in regisrty.xml.

Moreover it required below configuration too.


Note: Do not left any white spaces/ tabs between 'lastAccessTimeLocation'
tags and its value as it creates the registry file inactive (i.e cannot
view, edit, delete etc) via Carbon console.

Moreover if files are indexing properly, you will see lot of temp files
being created under following directory.

Thanks and Regards,

Punnadi Gunarathna
Senior Software Engineer,
WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com <http://wso2>
Blog: http://hi-my-world.blogspot.com/
Tel : 94 11 214 5345
Fax :94 11 2145300

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