Hi Sameera/Kasun,

For DAS 3.0 object serialization needs, we are using Kryo, which is known
to be the best/fastest Java serializer out there. We use it mainly to keep
binary compatibility of serialized objects, between JVMs/versions, and
also, better performance.

As I'd explained in a chat with Sameera earlier, even though they have
already have an OSGi bundle in Maven, they do not have dynamic imports
enabled, so basically, we can't serialize/deserialize any external objects,
which is actually it must do.

So what they have mentioned to do here is [1], always set the class loader
of the class you're using when you're using Kryo. This is not practical to
be done always, specially when like us, we have a generic utility method
doing this task, so what's mentioned in [1] can't be done.

So I've created an orbit bundle with dynamic imports there (pull request at
[2]), to get it to work in the way we need. Please review and commit.

[1] https://code.google.com/p/kryo/issues/detail?id=117#c4
[2] https://github.com/wso2/orbit/pull/84

*Anjana Fernando*
Senior Technical Lead
WSO2 Inc. | http://wso2.com
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