
Currently mqtt topics are not visible in mb ui management console[1].
Suggested method to solve this is to call addTopic method in
TopicManagerAdminService[2]. This will add topic into registry and will be
accessible through ui.

Currently when amqp topic received it will get authorize first, and if
authorizing successful topic will  get added to registry. From registry ui
gets the topic message list to show in ui. But when mqtt topic received,
currently this is not happening while getting authorize. Therefore how to
handle this issue properly?

Further, there can be mqtt topic messages which have no present routes
(ex:- retain enabled messages for future subscribers) Should we show these
messages in ui as well ?

[1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/MB-1055

Pumudu Ruhunage
Associate Software Engineer | WSO2 Inc
M: +94 779 664493  | http://wso2.com
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