Hi Suhan,

Since you are anyway customizing the user store manager, you can modify the
addUser method functionality to accept an empty password and generate a
random password within the method.

Pushpalanka Jayawardhana, B.Sc.Eng.(Hons).
Software Engineer, WSO2 Lanka (pvt) Ltd;  wso2.com/
Mobile: +94779716248
Blog: pushpalankajaya.blogspot.com/ | LinkedIn:
lk.linkedin.com/in/pushpalanka/ | Twitter: @pushpalanka

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 10:31 AM, Suhan Dharmasuriya <suh...@wso2.com>

> Hi,
> [image: Inline image 1]
> I will be using JIT provisioning such that the WSO2 IS will be connected
> to an external
> IdP.
> I want to perform actions more than simply inserting claims to the user
> store.
> Goal is to connect already existing user data which we already have in our
> system
> into user profiles.
> Therefore I want to extend the IS functionality by writing a custom user
> store manager.
> How ever we will not be given passwords for JIT provisioned users.
> When considering user store managers these are at the lowest level.
> As per the design, at this level IS is expecting a password value in this
> scenario.
> In SCIM protocol connector level when there is no password, IS generates a
> random password and pass to the user store manager level.
> protected String getPassword(Map<ClaimMapping, List<String>> attributeMap)
> {
>         List<String> claimValue =
> ProvisioningUtil.getClaimValues(attributeMap,
>                 IdentityProvisioningConstants.PASSWORD_CLAIM_URI,
> getUserStoreDomainName());
>         if (claimValue != null && claimValue.size() > 0 &&
> claimValue.get(0) != null) {
>             return claimValue.get(0);
>         }
>         return UUID.randomUUID().toString();
>     }
> Therefore in our custom user store manager when we try to add users
> with empty passwords we are getting an exception.
> How can we configure our custom user store to accept empty passwords?
> What is the best way to do this?
> Thanks,
> Suhan
> --
> Suhan Dharmasuriya
> Software Engineer - Test Automation
> *WSO2, Inc. *
> lean . enterprise . middleware
> Tel: +94 112 145345
> Mob: +94 779 869138
> Blog: http://suhan-opensource.blogspot.com/
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