Hi All

Supporting required attribute of RXT fields with Enterprise Store is
implemented in the following manner. If the field defined as required then
at the creation step of the asset the field is not read-only. But at the
update step the field is read-only.

Also in order to facilitate the requirement to have a readonly property for
both create and edit steps we have introduce a new attribute from the
Enterprise Store side. The attribute name is "auto" where it can be true or
false. With a value of true will result in both create and edit steps to
behave in read-only mode. Field "provider" in gadget is a common use case
where it will be populated automatically without the users input.

By overriding the asset.configure method, extension developers can add this
extra attibute to each field in the RXT.

Chanaka Jayasena
Senior Software Engineer; WSO2, Inc.;  http://wso2.com/
email: chan...@wso2.com; cell: +94 77 785 5565
blog: http://chanaka3d.blogspot.com
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