Hi John,

On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 6:33 AM, John Hawkins <jo...@wso2.com> wrote:

> I also just deleted the complete svn repos (on the file system), then
> recreated it. I then restarted the mgr with -cleanRegistry and -Dsetup but
> the mgr had held onto the svn details (it complained that the svn repo
> revision was wrong). This isn't right is it? Shouldn't it have cleared out
> any memory it had of repos ? Which makes me think that maybe it's keeping
> hold of other info that it shouldn't ?

May be this is because you still have .svn directory in ESB. When you
delete svn repo, manually delete .svn directory(s) in ESB as well.


> btw: to get the mgr talking to svn cleanly again I restarted the mgr
> enough times so that the created versions matched.
> cheers,
> john.
> John Hawkins
> Director: Solutions Architecture
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 8:08 PM, Bhathiya Jayasekara <bhath...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 2:44 PM, John Hawkins <jo...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> I did just clear svn and restart mgr and it created -1234 in svn again.
>> -1234 should be created. But only the directory is created? Nothing
>> inside?
>>> John Hawkins
>>> Director: Solutions Architecture
>>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 7:38 PM, John Hawkins <jo...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>> It takes a while for the worker to join ->
>>>> [2015-08-26 19:29:51,574]  INFO - WKABasedMembershipScheme Member
>>>> joined [796fabeb-0d33-4f7a-8fed-8874ca785ebc]: /
>>>> John Hawkins
>>>> Director: Solutions Architecture
>>>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 6:51 PM, Chanaka Fernando <chana...@wso2.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi John,
>>>>> According to the log, I cannot find the messages related to worker
>>>>> nodes joining this cluster. Issue would be in the axis2.xml file. If the
>>>>> worker nodes joins the cluster, you can see a message like "member 
>>>>> joined".
>>>>> If you could verify the clustering section of the axis2.xml file, you will
>>>>> be able to find the root cause.
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 10:55 PM, John Hawkins <jo...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I know it throws errors when I screw up the svn file name :-) So that
>>>>>> makes me thinks it's trying to use it. And I can see that it has a 
>>>>>> '-1234'
>>>>>> in svn - which was created by something (manager I assume). But that's 
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> - other than that I get messages about nodes leaving and joining the
>>>>>> cluster and the manager node getting its artifacts from its local
>>>>>> repository. This confuses me a little - why is it using a file system 
>>>>>> for a
>>>>>> repo - I thought that I had set up a shared registry and a remote rmdbs
>>>>>> registry in MYSQL?
>>>>>> Here's the rest of my stdio
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:18:57,421]  WARN - ValidationResultPrinter The default
>>>>>> keystore (wso2carbon.jks) is currently being used. To maximize security
>>>>>> when deploying to a production environment, configure a new keystore 
>>>>>> with a
>>>>>> unique password in the production server profile.
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:18:57,422]  WARN - ValidationResultPrinter Swap Memory
>>>>>> size (MB): 1024 of the system is below the recommended minimum size :2048
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:18:57,428]  INFO - AgentHolder Agent created !
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:18:57,450]  INFO - AgentDS Successfully deployed Agent
>>>>>> Client
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:18:58,859]  INFO - EmbeddedRegistryService Configured
>>>>>> Registry in 57ms
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:18:58,883]  INFO - EmbeddedRegistryService Connected
>>>>>> to mount at sharedregistry in 0ms
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:18:58,998]  INFO - EmbeddedRegistryService Connected
>>>>>> to mount at sharedregistry in 0ms
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:18:59,012]  INFO - RegistryCoreServiceComponent
>>>>>> Registry Mode    : READ-WRITE
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:18:59,486]  INFO - UserStoreMgtDSComponent Carbon
>>>>>> UserStoreMgtDSComponent activated successfully.
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:04,336]  INFO - TaglibUriRule TLD skipped. URI:
>>>>>> http://tiles.apache.org/tags-tiles is already defined
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,051]  INFO - ClusterBuilder Clustering has been
>>>>>> enabled
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,054]  INFO - ClusterBuilder Running in group
>>>>>> management mode
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,055]  INFO - HazelcastClusteringAgent Managing
>>>>>> group application domain:wso2.esb.domain, sub-domain:mgt using agent 
>>>>>> class
>>>>>> org.wso2.carbon.core.clustering.hazelcast.HazelcastGroupManagementAgent
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,492]  INFO - LandingPageWebappDeployer Deployed
>>>>>> product landing page webapp:
>>>>>> StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/home]
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,492]  INFO - UserStoreConfigurationDeployer User
>>>>>> Store Configuration Deployer initiated.
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,520]  INFO - PassThroughHttpSSLSender
>>>>>> Initializing Pass-through HTTP/S Sender...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,533]  INFO - ClientConnFactoryBuilder HTTPS
>>>>>> Loading Identity Keystore from :
>>>>>> repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,536]  INFO - ClientConnFactoryBuilder HTTPS
>>>>>> Loading Trust Keystore from :
>>>>>> repository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,555]  INFO - PassThroughHttpSSLSender
>>>>>> Pass-through HTTPS Sender started...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,555]  INFO - PassThroughHttpSender Initializing
>>>>>> Pass-through HTTP/S Sender...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,555]  INFO - PassThroughHttpSender Pass-through
>>>>>> HTTP Sender started...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,619]  INFO - DeploymentInterceptor Deploying
>>>>>> Axis2 service: echo {super-tenant}
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,708]  INFO - DeploymentEngine Deploying Web
>>>>>> service: Echo.aar -
>>>>>> file:/API-M_Scenario/wso2esb_MANAGER_NODE-4.8.1_off7/repository/deployment/server/axis2services/Echo.aar
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,773]  INFO - DeploymentInterceptor Deploying
>>>>>> Axis2 service: echo {super-tenant}
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,874]  INFO - DeploymentInterceptor Deploying
>>>>>> Axis2 service: Version {super-tenant}
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,888]  INFO - DeploymentEngine Deploying Web
>>>>>> service: Version.aar -
>>>>>> file:/API-M_Scenario/wso2esb_MANAGER_NODE-4.8.1_off7/repository/deployment/server/axis2services/Version.aar
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,904]  INFO - DeploymentInterceptor Deploying
>>>>>> Axis2 service: Version {super-tenant}
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,947]  INFO - PassThroughHttpSSLListener
>>>>>> Initializing Pass-through HTTP/S Listener...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:05,962]  INFO - PassThroughHttpListener
>>>>>> Initializing Pass-through HTTP/S Listener...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:06,062]  INFO - ModuleDeployer Deploying module:
>>>>>> addressing-1.6.1-wso2v10 -
>>>>>> file:/API-M_Scenario/wso2esb_MANAGER_NODE-4.8.1_off7/repository/deployment/client/modules/addressing-1.6.1-wso2v10.mar
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:06,066]  INFO - ModuleDeployer Deploying module:
>>>>>> rampart-1.6.1-wso2v8 -
>>>>>> file:/API-M_Scenario/wso2esb_MANAGER_NODE-4.8.1_off7/repository/deployment/client/modules/rampart-1.6.1-wso2v8.mar
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:06,070]  INFO - TCPTransportSender TCP Sender
>>>>>> started
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:06,736]  INFO - DeploymentEngine Deploying Web
>>>>>> service: org.wso2.carbon.message.processor -
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:06,744]  INFO - DeploymentEngine Deploying Web
>>>>>> service: org.wso2.carbon.message.store -
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:07,235]  INFO - DeploymentInterceptor Deploying
>>>>>> Axis2 service: wso2carbon-sts {super-tenant}
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:07,297]  INFO - DeploymentEngine Deploying Web
>>>>>> service: org.wso2.carbon.sts -
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:07,427]  INFO - DeploymentEngine Deploying Web
>>>>>> service: org.wso2.carbon.tryit -
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:07,639]  INFO - CarbonServerManager Repository
>>>>>>   :
>>>>>> /API-M_Scenario/wso2esb_MANAGER_NODE-4.8.1_off7/repository/deployment/server/
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,413]  INFO - PermissionUpdater Permission cache
>>>>>> updated for tenant -1234
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,803]  INFO - ServiceBusInitializer Starting
>>>>>> ESB...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,829]  INFO - ServiceBusInitializer Initializing
>>>>>> Apache Synapse...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,832]  INFO - SynapseControllerFactory Using
>>>>>> Synapse home : /API-M_Scenario/wso2esb_MANAGER_NODE-4.8.1_off7/.
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,833]  INFO - SynapseControllerFactory Using
>>>>>> synapse.xml location :
>>>>>> /API-M_Scenario/wso2esb_MANAGER_NODE-4.8.1_off7/././repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,833]  INFO - SynapseControllerFactory Using
>>>>>> server name : localhost
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,836]  INFO - SynapseControllerFactory The
>>>>>> timeout handler will run every : 15s
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,841]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Initializing
>>>>>> Synapse at : Wed Aug 26 18:19:08 BST 2015
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,850]  INFO - CarbonSynapseController Loading the
>>>>>> mediation configuration from the file system
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,851]  INFO - MultiXMLConfigurationBuilder
>>>>>> Building synapse configuration from the synapse artifact repository at :
>>>>>> ././repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,852]  INFO - XMLConfigurationBuilder Generating
>>>>>> the Synapse configuration model by parsing the XML configuration
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,925]  INFO - SynapseConfigurationBuilder Loaded
>>>>>> Synapse configuration from the artifact repository at :
>>>>>> ././repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,927]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Loading
>>>>>> mediator extensions...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,927]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Deploying
>>>>>> the Synapse service...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,937]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Deploying
>>>>>> Proxy services...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,937]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Deploying
>>>>>> EventSources...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,942]  INFO - ServerManager Server ready for
>>>>>> processing...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,998]  INFO - MediationStatisticsComponent
>>>>>> Statistic Reporter is Disabled
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:08,998]  INFO - MediationStatisticsComponent Can't
>>>>>> register an observer for mediationStatisticsStore. If you have disabled
>>>>>> StatisticsReporter, please enable it in the Carbon.xml
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:09,048]  INFO - RuleEngineConfigDS Successfully
>>>>>> registered the Rule Config service
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:10,160]  INFO - CarbonUIServiceComponent Mgt
>>>>>> Console URL  : https://mgt.esb.wso2.com:9450/carbon/
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:24,117]  INFO - ApplicationManager Deploying Carbon
>>>>>> Application : coffeeshop_1.0.0.car...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:24,979]  INFO - SequenceDeployer Sequence named
>>>>>> 'LOG_COFFEE_SUPPLIERS_RESPONSE' has been deployed from file :
>>>>>> /API-M_Scenario/wso2esb_MANAGER_NODE-4.8.1_off7/repository/carbonapps/work/1440609564118coffeeshop_1.0.0.car/LOG_COFFEE_SUPPLIERS_RESPONSE_1.0.0/LOG_COFFEE_SUPPLIERS_RESPONSE-1.0.0.xml
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,000]  INFO - API Initializing API: supplier
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,010]  INFO - APIDeployer API named 'supplier'
>>>>>> has been deployed from file :
>>>>>> /API-M_Scenario/wso2esb_MANAGER_NODE-4.8.1_off7/repository/carbonapps/work/1440609564118coffeeshop_1.0.0.car/supplier_1.0.0/supplier-1.0.0.xml
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,020]  INFO - EndpointDeployer Endpoint named
>>>>>> 'coffeeshop_tcpmonAddessendpoint' has been deployed from file :
>>>>>> /API-M_Scenario/wso2esb_MANAGER_NODE-4.8.1_off7/repository/carbonapps/work/1440609564118coffeeshop_1.0.0.car/coffeeshop_tcpmonAddessendpoint_1.0.0/coffeeshop_tcpmonAddessendpoint-1.0.0.xml
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,162]  INFO - SequenceDeployer Sequence named
>>>>>> 'order_more_supplies' has been deployed from file :
>>>>>> /API-M_Scenario/wso2esb_MANAGER_NODE-4.8.1_off7/repository/carbonapps/work/1440609564118coffeeshop_1.0.0.car/order_more_supplies_1.0.0/order_more_supplies-1.0.0.xml
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,183]  INFO - EndpointDeployer Endpoint named
>>>>>> 'Coffeeshop_Supplier_EndPoint' has been deployed from file :
>>>>>> /API-M_Scenario/wso2esb_MANAGER_NODE-4.8.1_off7/repository/carbonapps/work/1440609564118coffeeshop_1.0.0.car/Coffeeshop_Supplier_EndPoint_1.0.0/Coffeeshop_Supplier_EndPoint-1.0.0.xml
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,183]  INFO - ApplicationManager Successfully
>>>>>> Deployed Carbon Application : coffeeshop_1.0.0 {super-tenant}
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,189]  INFO - PassThroughHttpSSLListener Starting
>>>>>> Pass-through HTTPS Listener...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,262]  INFO - PassThroughHttpSSLListener
>>>>>> Pass-through HTTPS Listener started on 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0:8250
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,262]  INFO - PassThroughHttpListener Starting
>>>>>> Pass-through HTTP Listener...
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,264]  INFO - PassThroughHttpListener
>>>>>> Pass-through HTTP Listener started on 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0:8287
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,271]  INFO - HazelcastClusteringAgent Cluster
>>>>>> domain: wso2.esb.domain
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,271]  INFO - HazelcastClusteringAgent Using wka
>>>>>> based membership management scheme
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,272]  INFO - MemberUtils Added member:
>>>>>> Host:, Remote Host:null, Port: 4101, HTTP:-1, HTTPS:-1, Domain:
>>>>>> null, Sub-domain:null, Active:true
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,272]  INFO - MemberUtils Added member:
>>>>>> Host:, Remote Host:null, Port: 4108, HTTP:-1, HTTPS:-1, Domain:
>>>>>> null, Sub-domain:null, Active:true
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,396]  INFO - HazelcastGroupManagementAgent Group
>>>>>> management local member for domain [wso2.esb.domain],sub-domain [mgt] 
>>>>>> UUID:
>>>>>> df1d6faa-5399-4cfc-ae79-5ff83a234772. Host:, Remote Host:null,
>>>>>> Port: 2222, HTTP:8287, HTTPS:8250, Domain: wso2.esb.domain, 
>>>>>> Sub-domain:mgt,
>>>>>> Active:true
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,450]  INFO - MemberUtils Added member:
>>>>>> Host:, Remote Host:null, Port: 2222, HTTP:8287, HTTPS:8250,
>>>>>> Domain: wso2.esb.domain, Sub-domain:mgt, Active:true
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:25,451]  INFO - HazelcastGroupManagementAgent
>>>>>> Application member Host:, Remote Host:null, Port: 2222, 
>>>>>> HTTP:8287,
>>>>>> HTTPS:8250, Domain: wso2.esb.domain, Sub-domain:mgt, Active:true joined
>>>>>> application cluster
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:33,474]  INFO - HazelcastClusteringAgent Hazelcast
>>>>>> initialized in 8024ms
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:33,487]  INFO - HazelcastClusteringAgent Local
>>>>>> member: [e7219aff-1c24-4493-af4e-3dbb6e750d4b] - Host:, Remote
>>>>>> Host:null, Port: 4107, HTTP:8287, HTTPS:8250, Domain: wso2.esb.domain,
>>>>>> Sub-domain:mgt, Active:true
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:33,490]  INFO - MemberUtils Added member:
>>>>>> Host:, Remote Host:null, Port: 4107, HTTP:8287, HTTPS:8250,
>>>>>> Domain: wso2.esb.domain, Sub-domain:mgt, Active:true
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:33,688]  INFO - HazelcastClusteringAgent Cluster
>>>>>> initialization completed
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:33,689]  INFO - NioSelectorPool Using a shared
>>>>>> selector for servlet write/read
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:33,703]  INFO - NioSelectorPool Using a shared
>>>>>> selector for servlet write/read
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:33,740]  INFO - RegistryEventingServiceComponent
>>>>>> Successfully Initialized Eventing on Registry
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:33,784]  INFO - JMXServerManager JMX Service URL  :
>>>>>> service:jmx:rmi://localhost:11118/jndi/rmi://localhost:10006/jmxrmi
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:33,784]  INFO - StartupFinalizerServiceComponent
>>>>>> Server           :  WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus-4.8.1
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:33,784]  INFO - StartupFinalizerServiceComponent
>>>>>> WSO2 Carbon started in 41 sec
>>>>>> [2015-08-26 18:19:34,203]  INFO - CarbonDeploymentSchedulerTask Sent
>>>>>> [SynchronizeRepositoryRequest{tenantId=-1234, 
>>>>>> tenantDomain='carbon.super',
>>>>>> messageId=02a35f29-3f67-447d-b1b2-c8b6ade04dce}]
>>>>>> John Hawkins
>>>>>> Director: Solutions Architecture
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 5:35 PM, Bhathiya Jayasekara <
>>>>>> bhath...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi John,
>>>>>>> Dep-sync configs look good. If your svn server is functioning fine,
>>>>>>> this should work. Are you sure you don't see any logs related to svn, in
>>>>>>> manager node?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Bhathiya
>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 12:21 PM, John Hawkins <jo...@wso2.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Sure - there you go - thanks !
>>>>>>>> John Hawkins
>>>>>>>> Director: Solutions Architecture
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 5:17 PM, Bhathiya Jayasekara <
>>>>>>>> bhath...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi John,
>>>>>>>>> Can you please attach 2 carbon.xml files? There must be an issue
>>>>>>>>> with dep sync configurations.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Bhathiya
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 12:08 PM, John Hawkins <jo...@wso2.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Folks,
>>>>>>>>>> I've deployed a small cluster of ESBs - one manager, two workers.
>>>>>>>>>> And connected to SVN.
>>>>>>>>>> However, when I deploy my .car file the only system that looks
>>>>>>>>>> like it's doing anything is the manager (tells me it's deploying the 
>>>>>>>>>> .car
>>>>>>>>>> file). I don't see anything in SVN. But I do see the .car file in the
>>>>>>>>>> repository/deployment/server/carbonapps of the manager node.
>>>>>>>>>> When I try to address the proxy (which is what's in the .car
>>>>>>>>>> file) at the worker node there is nothing there i.e. I don't believe 
>>>>>>>>>> it has
>>>>>>>>>> deployed. When I do the same on the manager node it works i.e. it has
>>>>>>>>>> deployed and is available.
>>>>>>>>>> There are three things that are wrong here to my mind - 1) the
>>>>>>>>>> manager is deploying and able to server the proxy - I had assumed 
>>>>>>>>>> that the
>>>>>>>>>> manager would not serve the proxy ?
>>>>>>>>>> 2) Why is there nothing in svn?
>>>>>>>>>> 3) why isn't the worker node picking anything up (I assume
>>>>>>>>>> because there's nothing in SVN because the manager node doesn't 
>>>>>>>>>> think it's
>>>>>>>>>> a manager ?)
>>>>>>>>>> Where do I start to look for what's going wrong here please? I've
>>>>>>>>>> triple checked my configurations and have no clue what to look at 
>>>>>>>>>> next.
>>>>>>>>>> many thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> John.
>>>>>>>>>> John Hawkins
>>>>>>>>>> Director: Solutions Architecture
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> Dev mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> Dev@wso2.org
>>>>>>>>>> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> *Bhathiya Jayasekara*
>>>>>>>>> *Senior Software Engineer,*
>>>>>>>>> *WSO2 inc., http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com>*
>>>>>>>>> *Phone: +94715478185 <%2B94715478185>*
>>>>>>>>> *LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bhathiyaj
>>>>>>>>> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/bhathiyaj>*
>>>>>>>>> *Twitter: https://twitter.com/bhathiyax
>>>>>>>>> <https://twitter.com/bhathiyax>*
>>>>>>>>> *Blog: http://movingaheadblog.blogspot.com
>>>>>>>>> <http://movingaheadblog.blogspot.com/>*
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> *Bhathiya Jayasekara*
>>>>>>> *Senior Software Engineer,*
>>>>>>> *WSO2 inc., http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com>*
>>>>>>> *Phone: +94715478185 <%2B94715478185>*
>>>>>>> *LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bhathiyaj
>>>>>>> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/bhathiyaj>*
>>>>>>> *Twitter: https://twitter.com/bhathiyax
>>>>>>> <https://twitter.com/bhathiyax>*
>>>>>>> *Blog: http://movingaheadblog.blogspot.com
>>>>>>> <http://movingaheadblog.blogspot.com/>*
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Dev mailing list
>>>>>> Dev@wso2.org
>>>>>> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev
>>>>> --
>>>>> --
>>>>> Chanaka Fernando
>>>>> Senior Technical Lead
>>>>> WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>> mobile: +94 773337238
>>>>> Blog : http://soatutorials.blogspot.com
>>>>> LinkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/pub/chanaka-fernando/19/a20/5b0
>>>>> Twitter:https://twitter.com/chanakaudaya
>>>>> Wordpress:http://chanakaudaya.wordpress.com
>> --
>> *Bhathiya Jayasekara*
>> *Senior Software Engineer,*
>> *WSO2 inc., http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com>*
>> *Phone: +94715478185 <%2B94715478185>*
>> *LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bhathiyaj
>> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/bhathiyaj>*
>> *Twitter: https://twitter.com/bhathiyax <https://twitter.com/bhathiyax>*
>> *Blog: http://movingaheadblog.blogspot.com
>> <http://movingaheadblog.blogspot.com/>*

*Bhathiya Jayasekara*
*Senior Software Engineer,*
*WSO2 inc., http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com>*

*Phone: +94715478185*
*LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bhathiyaj
*Twitter: https://twitter.com/bhathiyax <https://twitter.com/bhathiyax>*
*Blog: http://movingaheadblog.blogspot.com
Dev mailing list

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