I think we can add a "Tips" section at the bottom and have a bulleted list
of these items, such as "Be sure to add the lifecycle definition to the

Mari, the note in the middle of the page is missing content in the second
sentence. Currently it says:

You need to define the latter mentioned asset specific attributes in a JSON
file, which has the same name as the asset type RXT (e.g., RXT_NAME.json).
In this case

Also, at the end of the page, the last sentence is missing a word:

In this tutorial, as we have set the lifecycle status to  the artifact is
visible in the Store.


On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 7:44 AM, Shabir Mohamed <sha...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Mariangela,
> I thought the "Common Mistakes"would also be useful for someone who reads
> the documentation.
> Isn't it within our documentation guidelines to add something like that???
> If so that's fine :D
> -------------------------------------
> *Shabir Mohamed*
> *Software Engineer*
> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
> Email: sha...@wso2.com <ayy...@wso2.com>
> Mobile: +94 77 3516019 | +94 71 6583393
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 8:09 PM, Shabir Mohamed <sha...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks a lot:D
>> Regards
>> -------------------------------------
>> *Shabir Mohamed*
>> *Software Engineer*
>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>> Email: sha...@wso2.com <ayy...@wso2.com>
>> Mobile: +94 77 3516019 | +94 71 6583393
>> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 6:45 PM, Mariangela Hills <mariang...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Shabir,
>>> I have documented this in [1].
>>> [1]
>>> https://docs.wso2.com/display/ES200/Adding+a+New+Sample+Asset+for+an+Asset+Type+at+Server+Startup
>>> Regards,
>>> Mariangela
>>> *Mariangela Hills*
>>> Senior Technical Writer - WSO2, Inc. http://wso2.com
>>> Committer and PMC member - Apache Stratos
>>> email:mariang...@wso2.com | mobile: +94 773 500185
>>> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 3:32 PM, Mariangela Hills <mariang...@wso2.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I created a JIRA [1] to track this task.
>>>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/DOCUMENTATION-2366
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Mariangela
>>>> *Mariangela Hills*
>>>> Senior Technical Writer - WSO2, Inc. http://wso2.com
>>>> Committer and PMC member - Apache Stratos
>>>> email:mariang...@wso2.com | mobile: +94 773 500185
>>>> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 10:25 AM, Mariangela Hills <mariang...@wso2.com
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Thanks, Shabir! I will add this to the docs!
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Mariangela
>>>>> *Mariangela Hills*
>>>>> Senior Technical Writer - WSO2, Inc. http://wso2.com
>>>>> Committer and PMC member - Apache Stratos
>>>>> email:mariang...@wso2.com | mobile: +94 773 500185
>>>>> On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 10:47 PM, Shabir Mohamed <sha...@wso2.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Also to be added to *Common Mistakes:*
>>>>>>    - The *"name" *attribute and the *"overview_name"* attribute,
>>>>>>    both needs to have the same Value, (Ex: 'RaspberryPi' & 'Raspberry 
>>>>>> Pi' will
>>>>>>    not work). *"name"* is the Artifact-Name and "*overview_name*" is
>>>>>>    the value used when creating the resource path in the registry.
>>>>>> -------------------------------------
>>>>>> *Shabir Mohamed*
>>>>>> *Software Engineer*
>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>>>>> Email: sha...@wso2.com <ayy...@wso2.com>
>>>>>> Mobile: +94 77 3516019 | +94 71 6583393
>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 9:10 PM, Shabir Mohamed <sha...@wso2.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I have been trying to do $subject and found no relevant
>>>>>>> documentation. Hence, I backtracked the path as to how the existing
>>>>>>> sample-artifacts of the default asset-types (i.e.: gadget & site) are 
>>>>>>> added
>>>>>>> when running the WSO2 - Enterprise Store 2.0.
>>>>>>> *As per my study these are the necessary steps required to do
>>>>>>> $subject:*
>>>>>>> Say the Asset-type for which we want to add a sample artifact has
>>>>>>> its *"RXT"* name as *"device.rxt". **(sample txt attached in the
>>>>>>> email)*
>>>>>>> 1. *The sample artifacts per asset-type are found at path:*
>>>>>>>    -
>>>>>>> *<ES_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/publisher/samples/assets*
>>>>>>>    - Create a folder by the plural-name of the asset-type(rxt) in
>>>>>>>    this path. In this example we make a folder by the name
>>>>>>>    *"devices"*.
>>>>>>>    - All sample/default artifacts of asset-type *"device" *shall go
>>>>>>>    into this folder.
>>>>>>> 2. The parent installation script - *"install.js"* - for all
>>>>>>> samples is found at the above mentioned path. Any *"install.js"*
>>>>>>> scripts found within sub-folders *(ex: devices, gadgets & sites)*
>>>>>>> of this path will over-ride the parent script to perform any specific
>>>>>>> operations relavant to that asset-type.
>>>>>>>    - copy the sample asset-specific *"install.js"** (attached with
>>>>>>>    this email)* into the folder created in the previous step.
>>>>>>>    - search and change the following tags appropriately in the
>>>>>>>    copied script:
>>>>>>>                   *<ASSET_LIFECYCLE>* : LifeCycle definition to
>>>>>>> which the asset-type *(in this example "device") *needs to be
>>>>>>> attached to *(ex: DeviceLifeCycle)*. Should be one of the lifecycle
>>>>>>> definitions found inside:
>>>>>>> *<ES_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/publisher/extensions/lifecycles/*
>>>>>>>                   *<ASSET_RXT_NAME>* : The *"rxt"* name of the
>>>>>>> asset-type for which the samples are to be made *(in this
>>>>>>> example "device"). *
>>>>>>>    - Save and close the *"install.js"* script.
>>>>>>> 3. Create a folder by the name of the sample-artifact inside the
>>>>>>> asset-specific-parent-folder created in Step 1. In this example lets 
>>>>>>> call
>>>>>>> our sample artifact of asset-type *"device"* as *"firealarm"*. We
>>>>>>> can continue adding any number of folders *per artifact* of the
>>>>>>> asset-type *(ex: firearm, raspberryPi, arduino & etc)*. Artifact
>>>>>>> specific details go into these folders.
>>>>>>> *The folder structure
>>>>>>> at- 
>>>>>>> <ES_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/publisher/samples 
>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>> look as follows:*
>>>>>>> *.*
>>>>>>> *└── samples*
>>>>>>> *    └── assets*
>>>>>>> *        ├── devices*
>>>>>>> *        │   ├── firealarm*
>>>>>>> *        │   │   ├── banner.png*
>>>>>>> *        │   │   ├── device.json*
>>>>>>> *        │   │   └── thumbnail.png*
>>>>>>> *        │   └── install.js*
>>>>>>> *        └── install.js*
>>>>>>> 4. Now we have to specify the asset specific attributes to be used
>>>>>>> when creating our sample (firealarm) artifact. These details are 
>>>>>>> provided
>>>>>>> as a *"json" *file with the same name as the asset-type/rxt
>>>>>>> *(<RXT_NAME>.json)*.
>>>>>>>    - In our example this is found inside the *"firealarm"* artifact
>>>>>>>    folder as *"device.json"*. For every additional artifact-folder
>>>>>>>    that is declared, there will be a corresponding *"device.json" *file
>>>>>>>    with relevant attribute details. *(The one used for declaring
>>>>>>>    "firealarm" artifact is attached)*
>>>>>>>    - Additionally, any images used for thumbnail & banner views of
>>>>>>>    the artifact in the store also need to go into the artifact specific
>>>>>>>    folder. The path to these images need to be given appropriately in 
>>>>>>> the *<RXT_NAME>.json
>>>>>>>    *file. (See attached sample for clarity)
>>>>>>> 5. Make the following additions in the *"publisher-tenant.json"*
>>>>>>> file found at path:
>>>>>>> *<ES_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/publisher/config*
>>>>>>>    - Add the asset-type *("device" in this example)* to the
>>>>>>>    *"assets"* unit.
>>>>>>>                         *"assets":["gadget","site", "device"],*
>>>>>>>    - Add the plural-name *("devices" in this example)* of the
>>>>>>>    asset-type *(by which the folder was made in Step 1)* to the
>>>>>>>    sub-unit *"collections"* nested under the unit - *"accessible".*
>>>>>>>                        *"accessible": [{*
>>>>>>> *                                "context": "/_system/governance",*
>>>>>>> *                                "collections": ["gadgets", "sites",
>>>>>>> "ebooks", "devices"],*
>>>>>>> *                                "actions":
>>>>>>> ["http://www.wso2.org/projects/registry/actions/get
>>>>>>> <http://www.wso2.org/projects/registry/actions/get>","http://www.wso2.org/projects/registry/actions/add
>>>>>>> <http://www.wso2.org/projects/registry/actions/add>",
>>>>>>> "http://www.wso2.org/projects/registry/actions/delete
>>>>>>> <http://www.wso2.org/projects/registry/actions/delete>", "authorize"]*
>>>>>>> *                        }],*
>>>>>>>    - Add a new "*type"* by the same plural-name of the asset-type
>>>>>>>    for sub-unit *"assetData" *nested under the unit -
>>>>>>>    *"defaultAssets"*.
>>>>>>>                       *"defaultAssets": {*
>>>>>>> *                               "root": "/samples/assets",*
>>>>>>> *                               "assetData": [{*
>>>>>>> *                                        "type": "gadgets",*
>>>>>>> *                                        "ignore":
>>>>>>> ["agricultural-land", "intro-gadget-1", "intro-gadget-2",
>>>>>>> "gadget-template-explorer", "gadget-explorer", "co2-emission",
>>>>>>> "electric-power", "energy-use", "greenhouse-gas"]*
>>>>>>> *                                }, {*
>>>>>>> *                                        "type": "ebooks"*
>>>>>>> *                                }, {*
>>>>>>> *                                        "type": "sites"*
>>>>>>> *                                }, {*
>>>>>>> *                                        "type": "devices"*
>>>>>>> *                               }]*
>>>>>>> *                       },*
>>>>>>> Now, if you restart the server (WSO2-ES), the new sample artifact
>>>>>>> should get created for the specific asset-type. This can be viewed at 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> Publisher-UI. The artifact will be listed under the asset-type in the
>>>>>>> Store-UI according to the lifecycle state mentioned for the
>>>>>>> *"overview_status"* attribute in the *<RXT_NAME>.json* file. In our
>>>>>>> example the artifact will be visible in the Store-UI, since we have set 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> lifecycle status to *"PUBLISHED"*.
>>>>>>> *Common Mistakes:*
>>>>>>>    - Missing lifecycle definition in path:
>>>>>>> *<ES_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/publisher/extensions/lifecycles/*
>>>>>>>    -
>>>>>>> *In-appropiate attribute naming in the Asset-RXT file for the
>>>>>>>    attributes: *
>>>>>>>                   *Ex:
>>>>>>>  shortName, singularLabel, pluralLabel, <storagePath>....</storagePath>*
>>>>>>> Please do inform me of anything that I have missed or included
>>>>>>> redundantly.
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------
>>>>>>> *Shabir Mohamed*
>>>>>>> *Software Engineer*
>>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>>>>>> Email: sha...@wso2.com <ayy...@wso2.com>
>>>>>>> Mobile: +94 77 3516019 | +94 71 6583393
>>>>>> --
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>>>>>> .
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*Jackie Wheeler*
VP, Technical Content
WSO2, Inc.
Mobile: +1 510 725-2876
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