
We faced below dependency issue while updating identity version to 5.0.0
from 4.5.6.

Software being installed: STS Feature 5.0.0
(org.wso2.carbon.sts.feature.group 5.0.0)
 Missing requirement: openid4java 1.0.0.wso2v2 (openid4java 1.0.0.wso2v2)
requires 'package net.sf.ehcache [1.5.0,1.6.0)' but it could not be found
 Cannot satisfy dependency:
  From: WSO2 Carbon - Identity Provider 5.0.0
(org.wso2.carbon.identity.provider 5.0.0)
  To: package org.openid4java [1.0.0,2.0.0)
 Cannot satisfy dependency:
  From: org.wso2.carbon.identity.sts.mgt 5.0.0
(org.wso2.carbon.identity.sts.mgt 5.0.0)
  To: package org.wso2.carbon.identity.provider [5.0.0,6.0.0)
 Cannot satisfy dependency:
  From: STS Feature 5.0.0 (org.wso2.carbon.sts.feature.group 5.0.0)
  To: org.wso2.carbon.sts.server.feature.group [5.0.0]
 Cannot satisfy dependency:
  From: STS Core Feature 5.0.0 (org.wso2.carbon.sts.server.feature.group
  To: org.wso2.carbon.identity.sts.mgt [5.0.0]

How can we solve this issue?

Jagath Ariyarathne
Technical Lead
WSO2 Inc.  http://wso2.com/
Email: jaga...@wso2.com
Mob  : +94 77 386 7048
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