This issue is sorted, The fixes are in the carbon-analytics-common
and carbon-event-processing components. We can add this once the components
are released.


*Ayyoob Hamza*
*Software Engineer*
WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
email: ayy...@wso2.com cell: +94 77 1681010 <%2B94%2077%207779495>

On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 10:26 AM, Prabath Abeysekera <praba...@wso2.com>

> @Ayyoob, Excellent work figuring out the root cause!
> Well, excessive start-up time can be a nasty user experience killer
> particularly when it comes to releasing something fresh as IoTS 1.0.0. Cz,
> when the maiden release of anything goes out, we need to make sure that it
> creates a good impression on the user at least as part of the first few
> things that the user would do after downloading the product i.e. Spinning
> up the server, etc. So, let's further dig in and see if we can figure out
> any workaround that would potentially fix this. I would suggest we fix this
> now itself rather than pushing it to the next version of the product.
> Cheers,
> Prabath
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 8:44 AM, Ruwan Yatawara <ruw...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> --dev
>> Guys I think this is a bit of a significant change. Since the start up
>> delay is the only problem in the foreseeable future this will fix.. shall
>> we not focus a lot on this.. ? WDYT?
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Ruwan Yatawara
>> Senior Software Engineer,
>> WSO2 Inc.
>> email : ruw...@wso2.com
>> mobile : +94 77 9110413
>> blog : http://ruwansrants.blogspot.com/
>> www: :http://wso2.com
>> On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 8:42 AM, Ruwan Yatawara <ruw...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Ayyoob,
>>> I had a chat with Ramith once before on why they went with the latest
>>> release of lib thrift. I was told that this fixes a bunch of issues
>>> prevalent in the previous version.
>>> So i guess this upgrade should happen at some point in the future.
>>> However, when upgrading we will have to change a whole bunch of other
>>> components as well as analytics-common. Since this also involves API
>>> changes, there would be a testing effort involved as well.
>>> [1] - https://github.com/apache/thrift/blob/0.9.2/CHANGES
>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>> Ruwan Yatawara
>>> Senior Software Engineer,
>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>> email : ruw...@wso2.com
>>> mobile : +94 77 9110413
>>> blog : http://ruwansrants.blogspot.com/
>>> www: :http://wso2.com
>>> On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 2:43 AM, Ayyoob Hamza <ayy...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Went through the version conflicted dependencies in the pack and found
>>>> that this is caused due to libthrift dependency. libthrift v0.8.0.wso2v1
>>>> and v0.9.2.wso2v1 are both within the pack, In which analytics-commons and
>>>> event-messaging-processor depends on the lesser and andes(mb) depend on the
>>>> greater version. Since there are lot to change in the lesser version
>>>> depended libraries, I had to test this premise by downgrading the version
>>>> of andes libthrift version and with this change the pack started quickly.
>>>> Need analyze the reason on why this 2 version affect the start up delay.
>>>> However I think we might need to upgrade the libthrift library in
>>>> analytics-commons and event-messaging-processor dependencies to solve this
>>>> issue.
>>>> *Ayyoob Hamza*
>>>> *Software Engineer*
>>>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>>> email: ayy...@wso2.com cell: +94 77 1681010 <%2B94%2077%207779495>
>>>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 10:51 AM, Sumedha Rubasinghe <sume...@wso2.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> But this does not seem to be noticeable on Macs.
>>>>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 12:04 AM, Charitha Goonetilleke <
>>>>> charit...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> After looking into server startup with RuwanA, found that 
>>>>>> *org.eclipse.osgi.internal.resolver.VersionConstraintImpl
>>>>>> *class getting much more CPU time by causing the $subject. Also
>>>>>> HashMap get() method invoking too many times from above class. This is
>>>>>> happening when OSGi framework tried to resolve bundles when starting the
>>>>>> runtime.
>>>>>> Since IoT server has relatively large number of bundles (786) with
>>>>>> size of 346.6MB, it might have large number of dependencies to check and
>>>>>> verify during bundle resolving stage. Seems it is the reason for that 
>>>>>> time
>>>>>> delay and can't fix $subject without reducing the number of bundles 
>>>>>> inside
>>>>>> the IoTServer product.
>>>>>> Please let me know if there any other concerns or ideas.
>>>>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>>>>> /charithag
>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 10:49 PM, Charitha Goonetilleke <
>>>>>> charit...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> When we are doing developments with IoTServer, we realized that,
>>>>>>> IoTServer takes some time to start from wso2server.sh script. Usually it
>>>>>>> takes nearly 120 seconds. I think it is much more higher than our other
>>>>>>> products. By the way when analyzing the server logs, I found that, 
>>>>>>> there is
>>>>>>> a time gap between 1st INFO level log and last output from the startup
>>>>>>> shell script. It is nearly around 1 minute.
>>>>>>> WDYT about this? Is there any work around to fix this issue?
>>>>>>> *[charitha@charithag-wso2 bin]$ ./wso2server.sh*
>>>>>>> *JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_79*
>>>>>>> *CARBON_HOME environment variable is set to
>>>>>>> /home/charitha/git/EMM-Merge/product-iot-server/modules/distribution/target/wso2iots-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:31:37,285]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.andes.wso2.internal.QpidBundleActivator} -  Setting 
>>>>>>> BundleContext
>>>>>>> in PluginManager*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:31:39,747]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.appmgt.impl.internal.AppDiscoveryComponent} -  WebApp
>>>>>>> Discovery component activated*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:31:39,772]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.appmgt.mobile.internal.AppManagerMobileComponent} -
>>>>>>>  WSO2EMM MDM is bound to App Manager*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:31:39,772]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.appmgt.mobile.internal.AppManagerMobileComponent} -  
>>>>>>> App
>>>>>>> Manger Mobile Component activated*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:31:39,846]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  Starting WSO2
>>>>>>> Carbon...*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:31:39,846]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  Operating System 
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> Linux 4.3.3-300.fc23.x86_64, amd64*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:31:39,847]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  Java Home        
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_79/jre*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:31:39,847]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  Java Version     
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> 1.7.0_79*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:31:39,847]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  Java VM          
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 24.79-b02,Oracle Corporation*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:31:39,847]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  Carbon Home      
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> /home/charitha/git/EMM-Merge/product-iot-server/modules/distribution/target/wso2iots-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:31:39,847]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  Java Temp Dir    
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> /home/charitha/git/EMM-Merge/product-iot-server/modules/distribution/target/wso2iots-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/tmp*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:31:39,847]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  User             
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> charitha, en-US, Asia/Colombo*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:31:40,122]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.event.output.adapter.kafka.internal.ds.KafkaEventAdapterServiceDS}
>>>>>>> -  Successfully deployed the Kafka output event adaptor service*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:31:40,404]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.identity.authenticator.backend.oauth.internal.OauthAuthenticatorServiceComponent}
>>>>>>> -  Initiating*
>>>>>>> *Activating org.wso2.jaggery.scxml with RealmService enabled*
>>>>>>> *...*
>>>>>>> *...*
>>>>>>> *...*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:32:39,155]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.StartupFinalizerServiceComponent} -  
>>>>>>> Server
>>>>>>>           :  WSO2 IoT Server-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT*
>>>>>>> *[2016-01-25 22:32:39,156]  INFO
>>>>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.StartupFinalizerServiceComponent} -  WSO2
>>>>>>> Carbon started in 119 sec*
>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>>>>>> /charithag
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> *Charitha Goonetilleke*
>>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>>>> mobile: +94 77 751 3669 <%2B94777513669>
>>>>>>> Twitter:@CharithaWs <https://twitter.com/CharithaWs>, fb: charithag
>>>>>>> <https://www.facebook.com/charithag>, linkedin: charithag
>>>>>>> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/charithag>
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Charitha Goonetilleke*
>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>>> mobile: +94 77 751 3669 <%2B94777513669>
>>>>>> Twitter:@CharithaWs <https://twitter.com/CharithaWs>, fb: charithag
>>>>>> <https://www.facebook.com/charithag>, linkedin: charithag
>>>>>> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/charithag>
>>>>> --
>>>>> /sumedha
>>>>> m: +94 773017743
>>>>> b :  bit.ly/sumedha
> --
> Prabath Abeysekara
> Technical Lead
> WSO2 Inc.
> Email: praba...@wso2.com
> Mobile: +94774171471
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