I have noticed following  improvement , those are not blockers but better
if we can get it fix in GA from usability point of view

-Menu seperators are appearing in Developer studio menu , all the eclipse
standard menus has menu separators
-Add keyboard shortcut for relevant sub menus
-All submenus should have a menu icon
-better if we can add submenu under Developer studio menu to reach
Developer studio preferences  directly
-Capp and Maven preferences pages  should be removed from kernel and should
only appear when that plugins are installed
-In Install feature dialog , WSO2 carbon UI appear before the BPS feature ,
seems there is bug when sorting

Apart from above important all other major features are working fine

Thanks and Regards

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 3:01 PM, Awanthika Senarath <awanth...@wso2.com>

> Hello Devs,
> We are pleased to announce the vote for RC-2 of
> *WSO2 Developer Studio Kernel 4.1.0.*
> P2 repository of WSO2 developer Studio kernel 4.1.0 is available here
> <http://builder1.us1.wso2.org/~developerstudio/developer-studio-kernel/4.1.0/kernel/releases/>.
>  Source
> and Tag Location to be voted upon is available here
> <https://github.com/wso2/developer-studio/releases/tag/Released-developer-studio-kernel-4.1.0-4.1.0-2016-05-04-20-09>
> .
> Developer Studio 4.1.0 Kernel is released on Eclipse Mars (Eclipse 4.5)
> Developer Studio Kernel contains a single feature which has the bundles
> that are required to implement WSO2 specific product tooling on Eclipse.
>    - This release contains Developer Studio migration to Eclipse mars
>    - Improvements in the Developer Studio Updater tool for automatic
>    updates
> The Features and improvements in the RC 2 :
>    1. [+] Stable - go ahead and release
>    2. [-]  Broken - do not release (please explain why)
> Regards,
> Dev Studio Team
> Awanthika Senarath
> Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
> Mobile: +94717681791
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*Jasintha Dasanayake*

*Senior Software EngineerWSO2 Inc. | http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com/>lean
. enterprise . middleware*

*mobile :- 0711368118*
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