HI Azeez/Sameera,

 Having encountered some OOM issues (relating to HZ) I looked at what
Hazelcast does in face of GC errors [1]. It will drop all connections,
threads, and shuts it self down.

Now, Think about one of our server's ( say MB) face a OOM and embedded HZ
instance shuts it self down. I propose when this happens entire server
should stop its processing intelligently ( if not shutting down).
Rational is one of the sub-system in the server shutdown while other parts
of the server don't care, which is wrong. As for MB, it tries to stop
processing in a meaningful manner and I argue this should be something any
server should do if they use HZ clustering.



Ramith Jayasinghe
Technical Lead
WSO2 Inc., http://wso2.com

E: ram...@wso2.com
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