Hi all,

So I have roughly finished up the following 5 services in REST

The service is packed to a war file deployable to IS 5.2.0
It's still in primary testing, so once it's confirmed working it will be
released to the community to get their ideas
the URIs and methods should be adjusted with the community suggestions

Hoping to release the war file in coming week as well as the code. The code
have to be refracted first.

Thank You

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 2:05 PM, Manujith Pallewatte <manujith...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> To update on the progress so far, after having a chat with Pushpalanka, I
> started with the project code. Basic setups are done.
> Necessary entry points for the service was identified and now I'm familiar
> with the process of deploying the REST service as a Web app to the IS.
> Right now, the getDecision method is implemented in a RESTful manner,
> using Apache cxf (following the guidelines of SCIM implementation as
> suggested by Pushpalanka and Omindu). The implementation works, yet it's
> only a test implementation.
> We are expecting to consult the community on the actual implementation of
> the service, focusing on points like
> 1) End point URLs
> 2) Resource identification
> 3) Service method definitions
> At the moment I'm struggling with implementations of some methods using
> the current CXF version, hoping to resolve it ASAP.
> Thanks,
> Manujith
> On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 11:18 AM, Pushpalanka Jayawardhana <la...@wso2.com
> > wrote:
>> Hi Manujith,
>> Good progress in getting familiar with the environment.
>> So let's try to start with the scope of the project too.
>> Since we are to work on implementing REST service, it is better to go
>> through WSO2 guidelines for REST service implementation. Please find the
>> white paper at[1] and the relevant discussion can be found at architecture
>> mailing list under "REST API Guidelines". Then we can work on defining the
>> API definition for the endpoint.
>> You can also have a look at the existing WSO2 REST implementation to
>> capture the followed patterns referring the SCIM[2] and OAuth endpoints[3].
>> [1] - http://wso2.com/whitepapers/wso2-rest-apis-design-guidelines/
>> [2] -
>> https://github.com/wso2-extensions/identity-inbound-provisioning-scim/tree/master/components/org.wso2.carbon.identity.scim.provider
>> [3] -
>> https://github.com/wso2-extensions/identity-inbound-auth-oauth/tree/master/components/org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth.endpoint
>> Thanks,
>> Pushpalanka
>> On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 3:23 PM, Manujith Pallewatte <
>> manujith...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Pushpalanka,
>>> I managed to setup the development environment and build all the sources
>>> (thanks to Omindu :))
>>> Then I made the PEP client using the entitlement stubs as you have
>>> mentioned in a previous thread. It's working in an accepted state. But I
>>> encountered some questions during the process, so I'm currently building a
>>> doc with all the questions so I can document them and their answers for
>>> future reference.
>>> Other than that I'm trying to write different policies using XACML
>>> Also please let me know of any other steps i can follow to get familiar
>>> with the components, specially the code since I'm only focusing on
>>> Entitlement service right now
>>> Thank You
>>> Manujith
>>> --
>>> [image: Manujith Pallewatte on about.me]
>>> Manujith Pallewatte
>>> about.me/manzzup
>>>   <http://about.me/manzzup>
>> --
>> Pushpalanka.
>> --
>> Pushpalanka Jayawardhana, B.Sc.Eng.(Hons).
>> Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Lanka (pvt) Ltd;  wso2.com/
>> Mobile: +94779716248
>> Blog: pushpalankajaya.blogspot.com/ | LinkedIn:
>> lk.linkedin.com/in/pushpalanka/ | Twitter: @pushpalanka
> --
> [image: Manujith Pallewatte on about.me]
> Manujith Pallewatte
> about.me/manzzup
>   <http://about.me/manzzup>


[image: Manujith Pallewatte on about.me]

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