Hi guys,
I have written a customer Spark UDF function that allows me to convert a
date string to a given input format. If there is a ParseException due to
input being invalid - the whole spark script will stop execution. Is there
away to skip that particular iteration and move on to the next in the
record? (this function is used in where clauses). Or is there a better
recommendation for this? Like validation in the EventReceiver?

public String dateFormatter(String input, String fromFormat, String
toFormat) throws ParseException{
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(fromFormat);
Date date = sdf.parse(input);
SimpleDateFormat newFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(toFormat);
return newFormatter.format(date);


Dulitha Wijewantha (Chan)
Software Engineer - Mobile Development
WSO2 Inc
 * ~Email       duli...@wso2.com <duli...@wso2mobile.com>*
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