Hi Mentors,

Dockerfiles test framework is now able to run smoke tests, with smoke tests
for ESB added at this point. Developers can extend the framework to add
product specific smoke tests.

Smoke test for ESB are implemented as follows:
1. Once a new docker image is deployed and the container is up, the script
does a login to WSO2 carbon server and maintains cookies so that it can use
logged in state in subsequent requests.

2. Creates a new pass-through proxy service. [1]

3. Validates the newly created proxy service is accessible (validates Http
response code for the proxy testing url [2])

4. Removes the newly created proxy service. [3]

I would like to demo the current state of the project, please provide your
preferred date and time.


[1]. Http post using /carbon/proxyservices/template_pass-through.jsp
[2]. Http get  using /carbon/services/<servicename>?tryit
[3]. Http get using /carbon/service-mgt/delete_service_groups.jsp
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