Hi All,

I completed and submit "Web (Javascript / D3) based BPMN editor to support
a subset of commonly used BPMN constructs"  project in google summer of
code dashboard.Hope i completed most of the task you gave to me in this
project.I have some known issues in the project.I published my last commit
in GSoC project but fixing existing known issues is still in progress. I
will like to work on those issues if you give your support.

You all can access my project using this document :

Chathura,Isuru and your team helped me a lot to complete this project.you
all kept meetings every week and spent more time for my project.
Thank you so much for your help

Thank you!
Heshan Jayasinghe

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 8:08 AM, Heshan Jayasinghe <shanu...@gmail.com>

> HI Chathura,
> I completed both download and upload json file functionalities.now I am
> working on few fixes that we discussed on last meeting.i will fix above
> mention bugs too.
> Thank You!
> Regards,
> Heshan Jayasinghe
> On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Chathura Ekanayake <chath...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Heshan,
>> It looks good so far.. However, there are few fixes to be done.
>> - Properties box cannot be closed.
>> - Circles in bending positions of edges have to be shown only when mouse
>> gets over them
>> - Gateways should allow multiple connection points (at least 4)
>> Regards,
>> Chathura
>> On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 6:33 PM, Heshan Jayasinghe <shanu...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> After 3 months contributing on Web based BPMN editor i completed
>>> following tasks
>>>    - drag and drop elements(start event/end event/gateway/task) from
>>>    tool box to drawing canvas
>>>    - display popup tool box with element(start event/end
>>>    event/gateway/task) on click event
>>>    - flow drawing to connect elements
>>>    - Implement element deleting functionality (using delete button in
>>>    toolbox)
>>>             -    delete only element if there no any flow connections
>>>             -    delete element with flows if there any flows connected
>>> to that element
>>>             -    delete flows separately
>>>    - drag elements in the Canvas to change position
>>>    - add flow button to toolbox and give flow drawing using toolbox
>>>    shortcut
>>>    - add property button to tool box and give change properties of the
>>>    elements one by one (properties changed according to to element so popup
>>>    window changed according to the element)
>>>    - add all sub elements to the toolbox and add all above
>>>    functionalities to those sub element (sub element icons changed with sub
>>>    element type)
>>>            -  start events (default start events,error start
>>> events,message start events,time start events)
>>>            -  end event (default end events,error end events,terminate
>>> end events,cancel end events)
>>>            -  gateway (parallel gateway , exclusive gateway, inclusive
>>> gateway ,event gateway )
>>>            -  task (user task, script task, mail task, manual task)
>>>    - add task resizing functionality
>>>    - add text to task (user can change text of the task text entered in
>>>    the task element)
>>>    - change flow connections with element drag events (if we change
>>>    element position using drag and drop,flows connected to that element also
>>>    changed according to element new position)
>>>    - flow can be changed using multiple connection points
>>>    - create JSON array and record all date one by one inside that
>>>    array(element x/y coordinates,width,height,element type,element
>>>    subtype,properties,etc..)
>>>    - JSON array update x,y coordinates when we drag a element
>>> task on prosess
>>>    - download json file
>>>    - upload json file and draw graph according to json file
>>> On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 11:46 PM, Heshan Jayasinghe <shanu...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> HI Hasitha,
>>>> My git repo is up to date .please check develop
>>>> <https://github.com/heshanjse/BPMNEditor/tree/develop> branch in
>>>> GitHub.I completed task text and new flow drawing.now i am working on flow
>>>> change with element drag events and text area resize with task resizing.
>>>>  Thank you!
>>>> regards,
>>>> Heshan Jyasinghe
>>>> On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 12:27 PM, Hasitha Aravinda <hasi...@wso2.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Heshan,
>>>>> Could you please update this mail with your current progress ? Also
>>>>> can you update the git repo with latest code base. It was last updated 23
>>>>> days ago.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Hasitha.
>>>>> On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 9:25 AM, Heshan Jayasinghe <shanu...@gmail.com
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I added following element to BPMN tool box.I added only boundary
>>>>>> events instead of Intermediate event because both look like same and last
>>>>>> discussion we plan to come up with only boundary events.
>>>>>> Intermediate event have
>>>>>>   time catching event
>>>>>>   Signal catching event
>>>>>>   Message catching Event,etc.
>>>>>> Boundary event have
>>>>>>  Time Boundary Event
>>>>>>  Error Boundary Event
>>>>>>  Message Boundary Event
>>>>>>  Signal Boundary Event,etc.
>>>>>> Do I need to add both intermediate event and boundary event or only
>>>>>> boundary event is enough?
>>>>>> If there any changes in tool box please let me know.
>>>>>> Start Event
>>>>>>    -      Start Event
>>>>>>    -      Time Event
>>>>>>    -      Message Start Event
>>>>>>    -      Error Start Event
>>>>>> End Event
>>>>>>    -      End Event
>>>>>>    -      Error End Event
>>>>>>    -      Terminate End Even
>>>>>>    -      Cancel End Event
>>>>>> Task
>>>>>>    -       User Task
>>>>>>    -       Script Task
>>>>>>    -       Mail Task
>>>>>>    -       Receive Task
>>>>>> Boundary Event
>>>>>>    -      Time Boundary Event
>>>>>>    -      Error Boundary Event
>>>>>>    -      Message Boundary Event
>>>>>>    -      Signal Boundary Event
>>>>>> Gateway
>>>>>>    -      Parallel Gateway
>>>>>>    -       Exclusive Gateway
>>>>>>    -       Inclusive Gateway
>>>>>>    -       Event Gateway
>>>>>> Connections
>>>>>>    -       Sequence Flow
>>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> Heshan jayasinghe
>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 8:50 AM, Isuru Wijesinghe <isur...@wso2.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Heshan,
>>>>>>> Please add only *general*, *main config* and *form* properties for
>>>>>>> each component as you mentioned in your proposal.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Isuru.
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 9:42 AM, Heshan Jayasinghe <
>>>>>>> shanu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> As we discussed in last meeting this week we plan to finish
>>>>>>>>    - flow reposition when BPMN element position changes.
>>>>>>>>    - task resizing
>>>>>>>>    - text attaching
>>>>>>>>    - changing task/event/gateway type using property (element icon
>>>>>>>>    changed with property)
>>>>>>>> I created "flow reposition when BPMN element position changes" and
>>>>>>>> "task resizing" but not totally completed.I think i can finish it with 
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> this week.Can you please send me what are the properties you need for 
>>>>>>>> each
>>>>>>>> element.Then i can complete it with in this week.
>>>>>>>> github url = https://github.com/heshanjse/BPMNEditor  ( last week
>>>>>>>> update)
>>>>>>>> Thank You!
>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>> Heshan Jayasinghe
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 6:59 AM, Heshan Jayasinghe <
>>>>>>>> shanu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> github url - https://github.com/heshanjse/BPMNEditor
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 6:57 AM, Heshan Jayasinghe <
>>>>>>>>> shanu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Isuru,
>>>>>>>>>> This is the milestone plan we discussed in the last week.
>>>>>>>>>> 24/6  - draw flows when moving a node
>>>>>>>>>>          - add properties to the flow
>>>>>>>>>>          - create delete functionality to every node.
>>>>>>>>>>          - add arrow and text to the toolbox
>>>>>>>>>> 1/7    - add text to the task
>>>>>>>>>>          - task resizing
>>>>>>>>>>          - change task/event/gateway icon according to the
>>>>>>>>>> selected property type
>>>>>>>>>> 8/7    - change flow shape from start and end point
>>>>>>>>>>          - add mutiple connection points in the nodes
>>>>>>>>>> 15/7  - add zoom event to svg and scroll
>>>>>>>>>> 29/7  - create property list
>>>>>>>>>> 5/8    - export json in to BPMN
>>>>>>>>>> 19/8  - redraw element using json array after upload a BPMN file
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Heshan Jayasinghe
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 2:32 PM, Isuru Wijesinghe <
>>>>>>>>>> isur...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Heshan,
>>>>>>>>>>> Please update the meeting notes. In addition to that can you
>>>>>>>>>>> please share with us the milestone plan as we discussed in the last 
>>>>>>>>>>> week.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Isuru.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 11:04 PM, Heshan Jayasinghe <
>>>>>>>>>>> shanu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> github url - https://github.com/heshanjse/BPMNEditor
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 12:52 PM, Heshan Jayasinghe <
>>>>>>>>>>>> shanu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Isuru,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I completed Start Event,End Event,Gateways and Task.Currently
>>>>>>>>>>>>> these component can move in the canvas.As we discussed in our 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> last meeting
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am working for packaging the current source code,drawing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> flows,component
>>>>>>>>>>>>> re-sizing,creating property window and adding text areas to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Task component.After I applying packaging structure i will
>>>>>>>>>>>>> share my github code.Hope I can send it soon.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Heshan Jayasinghe
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 10:04 AM, Isuru Wijesinghe <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> isur...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Heshan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any update on your progress? Could you please share with us
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your code through github. Then we can give some feedback.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Isuru
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 1:23 PM, Heshan Jayasinghe <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shanu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I submit my final proposal through GSOC site.Could you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please read my proposal and add some comments.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Heshan Jayasinghe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 8:38 AM, Isuru Wijesinghe <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> isur...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Heshan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We have already added few comments. Could you please fix
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them and share the updated proposal ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks and Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 9:48 PM, Isuru Wijesinghe <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> isur...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Heshan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We appreciate your quick response. The main deliverable of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this project is a javascript/D3 based BPMN editor which 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allows Process
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Center users to define business processes using a graphical 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notation from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the *web UI*. (No server side involvement). Keep on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> progressing on the project and if you get stuck at any point, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hesitate to contact us.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks and Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 11:35 AM, Heshan Jayasinghe <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shanu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HI,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you please tell me how server side involve in this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> project? Web Editor can developed as a single page 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application and we can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> run it in java server.hope this application haven't any 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server side
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> development.Please let me know if there server side 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> development involve.if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there any server side development i willing to complete that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task too.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I already complete my proposal and now I am doing final
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine tuning of my proposal.I will send it tomorrow.from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> today onwards I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start my development  for first iteration.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Heshan Jayasinghe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 9:37 AM, Isuru Wijesinghe <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> isur...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Great. My contact number :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *0710933706*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks and Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 9:30 AM, Heshan Jayasinghe <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shanu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Isuru,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My proposal 70% over now.I will send you copy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> soon.could you please send me your contact number to get 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more information.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Heshan jayasinghe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Isuru Wijesinghe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Software Engineer*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WSO2 inc : http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: 0710933706
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> isur...@wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Isuru Wijesinghe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Software Engineer*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WSO2 inc : http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: 0710933706
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> isur...@wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Isuru Wijesinghe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Software Engineer*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WSO2 inc : http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: 0710933706
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> isur...@wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Isuru Wijesinghe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Software Engineer*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WSO2 inc : http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: 0710933706
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> isur...@wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Isuru Wijesinghe
>>>>>>>>>>> *Software Engineer*
>>>>>>>>>>> WSO2 inc : http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: 0710933706
>>>>>>>>>>> isur...@wso2.com
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Isuru Wijesinghe
>>>>>>> *Software Engineer*
>>>>>>> WSO2 inc : http://wso2.com
>>>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>>>> Mobile: 0710933706
>>>>>>> isur...@wso2.com
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Hasitha Aravinda,
>>>>> Associate Technical Lead,
>>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>>> Email: hasi...@wso2.com
>>>>> Mobile : +94 718 210 200
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