Hi Indika,

I have removed previously copied log analyzer gadgets from analytics-mb
> capp and started to recreate mb log analyzer dashboard by installing
> org.wso2.carbon.analytics.shared.la.common.feature:1.0.2-SNAPSHOT. It was
> copied all log analyzer related gadgets to the distribution. Then created a
> new dashboard and added Log Event Chart and set Gadget Type to MB. It
> didn't load properly even though analytics-mb distribution has all
> necessary artifacts (jaggery file and data streams). But if I set Gadget
> Type to ESB, chart loading properly. It seems there is some logic written
> to load charts based on the value set in Gadget Type.

Currently common we share the common gadgets among ESB and APIM dashboards.
Therefore we provided a mechanism to specify product specific settings, you
can think of it as a profile. That's the reason why you need to specify the
gadget type. In your case, the gadget type is used to the load the server
URL  (ESB and APIM have different URLs for the log-analyzer-proxy.jag).

In many cases even we can share the gadget among the two products,
sometimes we need minor changes in each product when displaying the
gadget(e.g. a column name in a chart). Such options are provided through
the gadget type.

Ideally, we should have a type called "common" where you can use when no
customizations are required + product specific types to customize the view
of the gadget when necessary.

IMO, these gadgets shouldn't load based on the Gadget Type attribute since
> all gadgets copied from a common feature. It would be great if you can
> create a common capp including a dashboard with necessary gadgets for
> common log analyzing stuff. If there is any product-specific stuff, then
> product team can create a separate dashboard with special gadgets relevant
> to their use-case. Could you please look into this and provide us a
> solution because we have to do our alpha release soon.

I agree that we need to re-organize the gadgets and provide with a generic
feature for products where they can build upon. But this requires some
considerable effort as per the current state. We will be working on this
once the ongoing efforts on ESB and APIM is over.

*,Sajith Ravindra*
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com

mobile: +94 77 2273550
blog: http://sajithr.blogspot.com/

On Sun, Sep 4, 2016 at 12:12 AM, Indika Sampath <indi...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi MiyuruD/SajithR,
> I have removed previously copied log analyzer gadgets from analytics-mb
> capp and started to recreate mb log analyzer dashboard by installing
> org.wso2.carbon.analytics.shared.la.common.feature:1.0.2-SNAPSHOT. It was
> copied all log analyzer related gadgets to the distribution. Then created a
> new dashboard and added Log Event Chart and set Gadget Type to MB. It
> didn't load properly even though analytics-mb distribution has all
> necessary artifacts (jaggery file and data streams). But if I set Gadget
> Type to ESB, chart loading properly. It seems there is some logic written
> to load charts based on the value set in Gadget Type.
> IMO, these gadgets shouldn't load based on the Gadget Type attribute since
> all gadgets copied from a common feature. It would be great if you can
> create a common capp including a dashboard with necessary gadgets for
> common log analyzing stuff. If there is any product-specific stuff, then
> product team can create a separate dashboard with special gadgets relevant
> to their use-case. Could you please look into this and provide us a
> solution because we have to do our alpha release soon.
> Cheers!
> --
> Indika Sampath
> Senior Software Engineer
> WSO2 Inc.
> http://wso2.com
> Phone: +94 716 424 744
> Blog: http://indikasampath.blogspot.com/
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