Hi All,

Currently we are utilizing shindig[1] as the underlying gadget container,
mainly to support gadget level isolation.  We faced problems with shindig
in the past due to the usage of iframes etc.. and shindig is a retired
project also.

With the current set of use-cases around dashboards (Analytics dashboard
etc.), we are evaluating capabilities around web-components[2] to build the
infrastructure for dashboards.

Further if we take a look at igviz samples[3], similarly we can do the
dashboard without iframes etc.. Only concern is isolation (if required,
with current use-cases) which can introduce through web-components.

Appreciate your thoughts.

[1] https://shindig.apache.org/
[2] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components
[3] http://dunithd.github.io/igviz-site/samples/index.html

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