
I am trying to retrieve thread and heap dumps using carbondump.sh in OS X.
I tried with both APIM 1.7.0 and 2.0.0 and got following error [1].
Even though all config and log files gets copied, heap dump and thread dump
are missing in the output folder.

I observed several command missing issues which are caused due OS X.
Can't this script is used to get server dumps on OS X?

Any help is highly appreciated.

Command which I used to execute the script

<CARBON_HOME>/bin/carbondump.sh -carbonHome <CARBON_HOME> -pid <PID of
running server process>



\ncarbondump.sh##Generating the java memory dump...

Attaching to process ID 1234, please wait...

attach: task_for_pid(1234) failed (5)

Error attaching to process: sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerException:
Can't attach to the process

1234: Unable to open socket file: target process not responding or HotSpot
VM not loaded

The -F option can be used when the target process is not responding

1234: Unable to open socket file: target process not responding or HotSpot
VM not loaded

The -F option can be used when the target process is not responding

Attaching to process ID 1234, please wait...

attach: task_for_pid(1234) failed (5)

Error attaching to process: sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerException:
Can't attach to the process

Attaching to process ID 12391, please wait...

attach: task_for_pid(1234) failed (5)

Error attaching to process: sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerException:
Can't attach to the process

Attaching to process ID 1234, please wait...

attach: task_for_pid(1234) failed (5)

Error attaching to process: sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerException:
Can't attach to the process

\ncarbondump.sh##Generating the thread dump...

^C\ncarbondump.sh##Capturing OS information...

...../wso2am-1.7.0/bin/carbondump.sh: line 187: lsmod: command not found

cat: /proc/meminfo: No such file or directory

cat: /proc/cpuinfo: No such file or directory

netstat: n: unknown or uninstrumented protocol

...../wso2am-1.7.0/bin/carbondump.sh: line 194: dpkg: command not found

...../wso2am-1.7.0/bin/carbondump.sh: line 195: rpm: command not found

...../wso2am-1.7.0/bin/carbondump.sh: line 198: lsmod: command not found

....../wso2am-1.7.0/bin/carbondump.sh: line 198: mawk: command not found

\ncarbondump.sh##Capturing the list of running task in the system...

invalid option or syntax: -b

top usage: top

[-a | -d | -e | -c <mode>]

[-F | -f]


[-i <interval>]

[-l <samples>]

[-ncols <columns>]

[-o <key>] [-O <secondaryKey>]

[-R | -r]


[-s <delay>]

[-n <nprocs>]

[-stats <key(s)>]

[-pid <processid>]

[-user <username>]

[-U <username>]


\ncarbondump.sh##Capturing OS Environment Variables...

\ncarbondump.sh##Generating the checksums of all the files in the
CARBON_HOME directory...

xargs: md5sum: No such file or directory

/..../wso2am-1.7.0/bin/carbondump.sh: line 216: mawk: command not found

\ncarbondump.sh##Copying log files...

Best Regards,

*Thilini Cooray*
Software Engineer
Mobile : +94 (0) 774 570 112 <%2B94%20%280%29%20774%20570112>
E-mail : thili...@wso2.com

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