On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 8:22 PM, SajithAR Ariyarathna <sajit...@wso2.com>

> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 8:17 PM, Denuwanthi De Silva <denuwan...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 6:51 PM, Denuwanthi De Silva <denuwan...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Thank you for the detailed description Sajith.
>>> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 6:47 PM, SajithAR Ariyarathna <sajit...@wso2.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I think you have misunderstood the page concept. In UUF, Page is the
>>>> whole thing (markup) that covers the browser window. So you *cannot*
>>>> insert a page into another page.
>>>> With that in mind, let's brak down the UI in [1].
>>>> - Left pane has 4 links, seems that those are app level menus. So, IMO
>>>> each link should have a separate page.
>>>> +1 to have separate page for each app menu.
>> But that would make the left side 4 menus to disappear each time we go
>> inside each menu due to directing to a new page.
>> As you can see in [2] & [3], the left side menu remains even if we
>> navigate from "User" to "Group" menu.
>> So, does that mean we have to go to a fragment approach inorder to keep
>> the left menu while navigating (since we cannot load a page inside another
>> page) ?
>> No need for a fragment based approach. Please look at my second point,
> the answer is there :)
>> - Top bar (logo, product name, and usermenu), breadcrumbs, and *right-side
>> menu will be the same for all pages*. Then we can put the markup for
>> those into a layout and use that layout in pages (e.g. overview page, users
>> page).
>  So, having the menu in the layout will make it appear on all 4 pages.
> @Denuwanthi, Above *right-side menu* should be corrected as "left-side
menu". Sorry for the confusion.

> Thanks.
>> [2]https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wso2-dev-ux/product-is/
>> master/Wireframes/admin-portal/v2/3.3%20Add%20users%20-%20options.png
>> [3]https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wso2-dev-ux/product-is/
>> master/Wireframes/admin-portal/v2/4.3%20Group%20Listing.png
>> - Top bar (logo, product name, and usermenu), breadcrumbs, and right-side
>>>> menu will be the same for all pages. Then we can put the markup for those
>>>> into a layout and use that layout in pages (e.g. overview page, users 
>>>> page).
>>>> - You can configure the menu in the app.yaml (see pets-store,
>>>> features-app samples). And using the {{#menu }} helper, you can populate
>>>> the menu (see sample apps)
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 6:15 PM, Denuwanthi De Silva <
>>>> denuwan...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> We need to provide a tab like view as in [1].
>>>>> When moving between each tab  we plan to load a page.
>>>>> Is there a notation where we can insert a page inside the tab similar
>>>>> to fragment notation?
>>>>> or any other approach to achieve this behavior?
>>>>> <li class="list-group-item"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#overview">
>>>>>     Overview</a></li>
>>>>> <div class="tab-content">
>>>>>     <div id="overview" class="tab-pane fade in active">
>>>>> <! -- need to insert a page here-->
>>>>>     </div>
>>>>> </div>
>>>>> [1]https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wso2-dev-ux/product-is/
>>>>> master/Wireframes/admin-portal/v2/2.1%20Landing%20page%20-%2
>>>>> 0with%20no%20existing%20users.png
>>>>> --
>>>>> Denuwanthi De Silva
>>>>> Senior Software Engineer;
>>>>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com,
>>>>> Email: denuwan...@wso2.com
>>>>> Blog: https://denuwanthi.wordpress.com/
>>>> --
>>>> Sajith Janaprasad Ariyarathna
>>>> Software Engineer; WSO2, Inc.;  http://wso2.com/
>>>> <https://wso2.com/signature>
>>> --
>>> Denuwanthi De Silva
>>> Senior Software Engineer;
>>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com,
>>> Email: denuwan...@wso2.com
>>> Blog: https://denuwanthi.wordpress.com/
>> --
>> Denuwanthi De Silva
>> Senior Software Engineer;
>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com,
>> Email: denuwan...@wso2.com
>> Blog: https://denuwanthi.wordpress.com/
> --
> Sajith Janaprasad Ariyarathna
> Software Engineer; WSO2, Inc.;  http://wso2.com/
> <https://wso2.com/signature>

Sajith Janaprasad Ariyarathna
Software Engineer; WSO2, Inc.;  http://wso2.com/
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