Hi All,

In the current implementation of the DefaultClaimHandler[1] claim handling
logic involves the below steps when retrieving claims for local and
federated scenarios,

1. Loading local claims and claims mappings
2. Loading all non-empty claims of the user

#1 involves several DB calls where as step #2 results in a call to the user
store which means either a DB call or LDAP/AD call depending on the user
store configured.

Here are few shortcoming I noticed,

   1. If a service provider has configured no requested claims, we simply
   return an empty map of claims after going through the whole process #1 and
   2. For authentication involved with flows like OAuth which do not
   involve claims going through this claims handling logic doesn't make any

To give an idea of the performance impact, An authentication request coming
into the Authentication Framework takes about 950ms to complete. Of this
around 550ms is spent on handling claims (that's close to ~60%). So for an
OAuth flow with authorization code or implicit flow, this is a performance

I initially did a fix for this[2], by returning an empty map of claims if
the there were no requested claims. But this doesn't seem to work since we
seem to return all available claims for *openid *flow[3].

Do we have a specific reason for return all available claims in the openid
flow? Shouldn't we honour service provider requested claims when sending
out user claims out of the framework?

I have a few improvements in my mind to overcome the problem,

1. Specifically, check for the *oauth *request type and stop executing
claim handling logic.
2. Improve the fix[2] to return all claims for *openid *flow only when
service provider has no requested claims.

Do you see any complexities that could arise with the suggested

[1] https://github.com/wso2/carbon-identity-framework/

[2] https://github.com/wso2/carbon-identity-framework/pull/961

[3] https://github.com/wso2/carbon-identity-framework/

Farasath Ahamed
Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
Mobile: +94777603866
Blog: blog.farazath.com
Twitter: @farazath619 <https://twitter.com/farazath619>
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