Thanks for the information Vijitha.


On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 5:28 PM, Vijitha Ekanayake <>

> Hi Chamalee,
> This feature has been implemented after the ESB 500 release and it should
> be available in EI.
>  You need to add following processors under HttpGetRequestProcessors in
> carbon.xml to get feature to work.
> <Processor>
>             <Item>swagger.json</Item>
>                                <Class>org.wso2.carbon.mediat
> ion.transport.handlers.requestprocessors.swagger.format.
> SwaggerJsonProcessor</Class>
>         </Processor>
> <Processor>
>             <Item>swagger.yaml</Item>
>             <Class>org.wso2.carbon.mediation.transport.handlers.requestp
> rocessors.swagger.format.SwaggerYamlProcessor</Class>
> </Processor>
> Please refer JIRA[1] for more information.
> [1].
> Thanks,
> Vijitha.
> On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 4:49 PM, Chamalee De Silva <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Maheeka and ESB team,
>> Is $Subject available in ESB 5.0.0 ?
>> Do we have any documentation on $Subject that we can use to try swagger
>> support on ESB REST APIs ?
>> I found mail thread [1] and JIRA [2] related to this.
>> Appreciate your help.
>> [1] Integration Cloud - ESB on Cloud
>> [2]
>> Thanks,
>> Chamalee
>> On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Joseph Fonseka <> wrote:
>>> Hi Jagath
>>> It is the same case weather we provide users to add swagger
>>> annotations/notes to define additional parameters in synapse. If we have
>>> such approch we can use it to define the path parameter type.
>>> Since we are supporting above in the next iteration we could resolve to
>>> create the path parameter with a default type preferably *string* since it
>>> is less restrictive.
>>> Also please note swagger spec do not support full URI template
>>> specification.
>>> Thanks
>>> Jo
>>> On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 11:12 AM, Jagath Sisirakumara Ariyarathne <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> While implementing swagger definition for uri-template based APIs, we
>>>> have following problem.
>>>> If we have a template like "/view/{symbol}", we need to define "symbol"
>>>> as a parameter in swagger definition. According to the swagger spec for
>>>> parameters[1], if it is a query or path parameter, then it is required to
>>>> have a type (string, number etc) for this parameter. But this information
>>>> is not available in existing synapse configurations of APIs. The possible
>>>> option is to provide all parameters as "string" as Maheeka mentioned
>>>> earlier.
>>>> Appreciate any thoughts on this.
>>>> [1] -
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 5:38 AM, Jagath Sisirakumara Ariyarathne <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> I have completed initial implementation for url-mapping based APIs.
>>>>> Attached sample API and its definitions. I am further working on 
>>>>> supporting
>>>>> uri-templates based definitions.
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 2:09 PM, Jagath Sisirakumara Ariyarathne <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> In this particular implementation for Integration Cloud, we planned
>>>>>> to go with an extension which uses existing information in synapse
>>>>>> configurations without updating synapse code base. Therefore as Maheeka
>>>>>> mentioned in [1], we are going to provide limited information at initial
>>>>>> phase. But in long run, we need to extend this to store all required API
>>>>>> definitions in synapse configurations.
>>>>>> [1] -
>>>>>> 33f2
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 8:23 AM, Joseph Fonseka <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 4:18 PM, Maheeka Jayasuriya <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Please note these changes were done based on the level of
>>>>>>>> information we have on the API by referring to it's configuration. For
>>>>>>>> example, we do not have a way of determining the request format or uri
>>>>>>>> parameter types and content-types of the API. This will require further
>>>>>>>> digging and analyzing on the configuration.
>>>>>>> Have you consider adding additional information as annotations/notes
>>>>>>> in the config. AFAIK we do not have a config to add annotations so
>>>>>>> currently we can define them as properties but going forward may be we 
>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>> add some way to annotate synapse.
>>>>>>> In the longer run mostly synapse APIs will be generated out of
>>>>>>> swagger definitions thus having the ability to contain all the API
>>>>>>> definition information in the synapse file would be important.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Jo
>>>>>>>> Find the diff of these changes done to the Swagger definition at [4]
>>>>>>>> To get the required information from the Rest API configuration we
>>>>>>>> can invoke RestApiAdminServices's getApiByName operation which returns 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> following response [5] for an API created that has the PetStore 
>>>>>>>> resources.
>>>>>>>> We can identify the methods and uri-template and mappings from this
>>>>>>>> response.
>>>>>>>> Please let know your thoughts.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Maheeka
>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>> adf9
>>>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>>>> 33f2
>>>>>>>> [4]
>>>>>>>> [5] <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.
>>>>>>>>    <soapenv:Body>
>>>>>>>>       <ns:getApiByNameResponse xmlns:ns="
>>>>>>>> is2/xsd">
>>>>>>>>          <ns:return xsi:type="ax2476:APIData" xmlns:ax2476="
>>>>>>>>"; xmlns:xsi="
>>>>>>>> 001/XMLSchema-instance">
>>>>>>>>             <ax2476:artifactContainerName xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>             <ax2476:context>/pet</ax2476:context>
>>>>>>>>             <ax2476:fileName>PetstoreAPI.xml</ax2476:fileName>
>>>>>>>>             <ax2476:host xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>             <ax2476:isEdited>false</ax2476:isEdited>
>>>>>>>>             <ax2476:name>PetstoreAPI</ax2476:name>
>>>>>>>>             <ax2476:port>-1</ax2476:port>
>>>>>>>>             <ax2476:resources xsi:type="ax2476:ResourceData">
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:contentType xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:faultSeqXml xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:faultSequenceKey xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:inSeqXml xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:inSequenceKey xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:methods>POST</ax2476:methods>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:methods>PUT</ax2476:methods>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:outSeqXml xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:outSequenceKey xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:protocol>0</ax2476:protocol>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:uriTemplate xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:urlMapping>/</ax2476:urlMapping>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:userAgent xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>             </ax2476:resources>
>>>>>>>>             <ax2476:resources xsi:type="ax2476:ResourceData">
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:contentType xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:faultSeqXml xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:faultSequenceKey xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:inSeqXml xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:inSequenceKey xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:methods>POST</ax2476:methods>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:methods>DELETE</ax2476:methods>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:methods>GET</ax2476:methods>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:outSeqXml xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:outSequenceKey xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:protocol>0</ax2476:protocol>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:uriTemplate>/{petId}</ax2476:uriTemplate>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:urlMapping xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>                <ax2476:userAgent xsi:nil="true"/>
>>>>>>>>             </ax2476:resources>
>>>>>>>>             <ax2476:statisticsEnable>false
>>>>>>>> </ax2476:statisticsEnable>
>>>>>>>>             <ax2476:tracingEnable>false</ax2476:tracingEnable>
>>>>>>>>          </ns:return>
>>>>>>>>       </ns:getApiByNameResponse>
>>>>>>>>    </soapenv:Body>
>>>>>>>> </soapenv:Envelope>
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Maheeka Jayasuriya
>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>>>>>> Mobile : +94777750661
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> *Joseph Fonseka*
>>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.;
>>>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>>>> mobile: +94 772 512 430
>>>>>>> skype: jpfonseka
>>>>>>> * <>*
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Jagath Ariyarathne
>>>>>> Technical Lead
>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>>>> Email:
>>>>>> Mob  : +94 77 386 7048
>>>>>> <>
>>>>> --
>>>>> Jagath Ariyarathne
>>>>> Technical Lead
>>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>>> Email:
>>>>> Mob  : +94 77 386 7048
>>>>> <>
>>>> --
>>>> Jagath Ariyarathne
>>>> Technical Lead
>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>> Email:
>>>> Mob  : +94 77 386 7048
>>>> <>
>>> --
>>> --
>>> *Joseph Fonseka*
>>> WSO2 Inc.;
>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>> mobile: +94 772 512 430
>>> skype: jpfonseka
>>> * <>*
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Dev mailing list
>> --
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> *Chamalee De Silva*
>> Software Engineer
>> *WS**O2* Inc. :
>> Office   :- *+94 11 2145345 <%2B94%2011%202145345>*
>> mobile  :- *+94 7 <%2B94%2077%202782039>1 4315942*
>> _______________________________________________
>> Dev mailing list
> --
> Vijitha Ekanayake
> Software Engineer*, *WSO2, Inc.;
> Mobile : +94 777 24 73 39 | +94 718 74 44 08
> lean.enterprise.middleware

Thanks & Regards,

*Chamalee De Silva*
Software Engineer
*WS**O2* Inc. :

Office   :- *+94 11 2145345 <%2B94%2011%202145345>*
mobile  :- *+94 7 <%2B94%2077%202782039>1 4315942*
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