Hi Thomas,

Can you try without setting *errorRef, *so as in [1] the boundary error
event will catch any error event.

[1] https://www.activiti.org/userguide/#bpmnBoundaryErrorEventXml

On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 12:38 PM, Thomas LEGRAND <
thomas.legr...@versusmind.eu> wrote:

> Hello,
> Thank you for your answers but what if my configured JSON path is not
> applicable for the returned body in case of an error triggered in the web
> service side? I mean, there is two cases :
> - I request something and this something is returned by the web service.
> The REST task uses the configured JSON path to set an attribute.
> - I request something but this something does not exist. So the web
> service sends me a 404 HTTP code with another body (like an empty one or
> even a JSON object modelizing an error with a business error code and a
> message). This body does not correspond at all to the configured JSON path.
> So, the exception is triggered:
> Unknown Exception occurred
>> com.jayway.jsonpath.PathNotFoundException: No results for path:
> The ErrorBoundaryEvent will not "catch" this error. Is there a way to
> configure the ErrorBoundaryEvent to catch whatever error is popping, or
> should I create a ErrorBoundaryEvent for each error? Meaning that I don't
> know what is the name of the error spawning where the JSON path is wrong.
> Regards,
> Thomas
> 2017-09-28 6:34 GMT+02:00 Sudharma Subasinghe <sudhar...@wso2.com>:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> You can add ErrorBoundaryEvent with error code as* "RestInvokeError"*.
>> Please refer [1] as an example.
>> [1] http://wso2.com/library/articles/2016/04/article-how-to-
>> model-bpmn-business-processes-with-wso2-business-process-server/#error
>> Thanks
>> Sudharma
>> On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 8:04 PM, Thomas LEGRAND <
>> thomas.legr...@versusmind.eu> wrote:
>>> Hello there,
>>> I would like to catch an error from the REST task in my process.
>>> Actually, my distant web service returns a 404 with an empty body if no
>>> result was found. If something was found, I map an element from the
>>> returned JSON into a variable and that works.
>>> In the case of my 404, I have a NPE and I would like to catch it to be
>>> able to continue the process but I don't know how to do because the
>>> ErrorBoundaryEvent I attached does not work at all.
>>> Can you help me, please?
>>> Regards,
>>> Thomas
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>> Sudharma Subasinghe,
>> Software Engineer,
>> WSO2 Inc.
>> Email: sudhar...@wso2.com <hasi...@wso2.com>
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Sudharma Subasinghe,
Software Engineer,
WSO2 Inc.
Email: sudhar...@wso2.com <hasi...@wso2.com>
Mobile : +94 710 565 157 <%2B94%20718%20210%20200>
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