Hi Francisco,

I tested this scenario.
To direct this response to the fault-sequence,
You can filter the response from the out-sequence of your proxy service,
and call the fault-sequence you want to invoke inside the out-equence using
a filter mediator.

As a simple example it is like this.

         <filter regex="503" source="$axis2:HTTP_SC">
               <sequence key="commonServiceFaultSequence"/>

Then you can modify the error message as you want in the fault sequence
using a payload factory mediator.


On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 11:51 PM, Júnior <fjunio...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a ESB Proxy that calls a DSS endpoint. This DSS endpoint is under a
> Load Balancer. When the DSS server is down, the Load Balancer returns a 503
> HTTP Error.
> It seems strange to me that the flow is going to the outSequence and not
> to the faultSequence.
> Is this the expected behavior?
> Is it possible to make such case goes to the faultSequence?
> The code to send the request is like below:
> <header expression="get-property('myEp')" name="To" scope="default"/>
> <header name="Action" scope="default" value="OpName"/>
> <send />
> Thanks,
> --
> Francisco Ribeiro
> *SCEA|SCJP|SCWCD|IBM Certified SOA Associate*
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