Hi Hasintha,

Same can happen in multi-step authentication where a user successfully
login wiht1st authenticator and fail in the 2nd case.

On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 8:04 PM, Hasintha Indrajee <hasin...@wso2.com>

> We have the feature of enabling authorization for service provider [1].
> Imagine a scenario where we login to an SP for the very first time and
> authorization fails due to some violation of authorization policies. Even
> if authorization fails we do set commonAuthId cookie in the response which
> means the user has a valid SSO session from that point onwards.
> This can be seen in two perspectives.
> 1) The user is authenticated, but authorization fails, Hence we should set
> the cookie for SSO irrespective of authorization decision.
> 2) But this may lead to an inconsistant state. Suppose this is the only
> application the user is allowed to login. But due to some policy violation,
> the first login fails. In a case of a shared computer this leads to a
> deadlock where the user neither can't properly login nor proper logout. We
> can use the workaround of calling commonAuthLogout=true. But this will not
> do a proper logout. (logging out external idps). Hence in a shared computer
> the user has no option.
I think in this case user should close the browser, then he won't get this
issue. this is valid for the multi step authentication as well.


> Hence I think we can avoid setting cookie until a user successfully
> accesses at least a single application upon successful authentication and
> authorization. So simply even if the user is authenticated for the very
> first time, we will not set the cookie unless the user is authorized to
> access that particular application. (This only applies to the very first
> app the user is trying to login)
> WDYT ?
> [1] https://docs.wso2.com/display/IS530/Configuring+
> Access+Control+Policy+for+a+Service+Provider
> --
> Hasintha Indrajee
> WSO2, Inc.
> Mobile:+94 771892453 <+94%2077%20189%202453>

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