Hi Thomas,

It seems your observations are correct as [1] is missing the field
'category'. I have reported an issue at [2] so that this can be fixed in a
future release.

[2] https://github.com/wso2/product-ei/issues/1840


On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 7:15 PM, Thomas LEGRAND <thomas.legr...@versusmind.eu
> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am currently using the BPS 3.6.0 (via EI 6.0.0) and I have a user store
> "US" in which I have two users: Toto and titi. Toto has the Internal role
> "Role A" and Titi has the Internal role "Role B".
> My use case is to retrieve a list of tasks in which I set the "category"
> with the value "PRIMO". One of the task has the groups "Role A" and "Role
> B" but has only the user "Toto" as candidates. Because Tito has the "Role
> B", so it should retrieve the task, too.
> But but but, I tried two ways to retrieve this task and they all failed:
> - The first one by using the Activiti Java API but I found out that I my
> "identified" user is not really identified to be in the group because when
> I check in the Activiti DB, I can't see any "Titi" in the table
> ACT_HI_IDENTITYLINK. However, I can see "Internet/Role B" but... hey, this
> is WSO2-only so I think I have to pass via the BPS WS.
> - The second one is to use the WSO2 BPS REST Web Service. My request in
> the http://{{bps.server}}:{{bps.port}}/bpmn/query/tasks resources using
> POST, as specified in the Activiti Documentation [1] :
> Request:
> {
>     "candidateUser": "US/Titi",
>     "category": "PRIMO"
> }
> Response:
> {
>     "errorMessage": "Unrecognized field \"category\" (Class
> org.wso2.carbon.bpmn.rest.model.runtime.TaskQueryRequest), not marked as
> ignorable\n at [Source: org.apache.cxf.transport.http.
> AbstractHTTPDestination$1@1a0a0f94; line: 3, column: 15] (through
> reference chain: org.wso2.carbon.bpmn.rest.model.runtime.
> TaskQueryRequest[\"category\"])",
>     "statusCode": 500
> }
> Yep. It seems that some of the query parameter specified in the Activiti
> documentation are not plugged-in to the WS implementation of WSO2.
> So, how can I update/fix the WSO2 web service part only without having to
> install a new version of the EI? Or am I screwed to take a scenic route
> with ugly workarounds to retrieve the tasks I want via the WS? :(
> Regards,
> Thomas
> [1] https://www.activiti.org/userguide/#_query_for_tasks
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