Hi all,

I'm interested in the GSoC project, HL7 extension to Siddhi
As I understood the project is about receiving an  HL7 type message and map
it into a Siddhi event and when publishing, convert the siddhi event to an
HL7 message. there are 3 versions of HL7, v2, v3, and FHIR.

V2 is a text formate, the segments are separated by pipes. we can use a v2
parser <https://hapifhir.github.io/hapi-hl7v2/> for java to map these

 V3 is in XML format. we can use any XML parser to create our own parser.

FHIR is in both json and XML formats. again we can use any json and XML
parsers map the data to siddhi event. and vise versa.

can anyone suggest good reading materials for me to get started?


Isham Mohamed
Undergraduate  University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka
Computer Science & Engineering

p: 0778696585

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