Hi Himasha,

This looks like a similar issue like

On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 8:11 PM, Himasha Guruge <himas...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying out [1] with Api Manager 2.1.0. I have downloaded the java SDK
> of PizzaShackAPI and tried to run APIClient main method. At first with the
> exact same code, I was getting below error.
> com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException:
> Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2

Normally we don't need to modify any generated code in the SDK. From the
above error what it means is the SDK *expects* a payload starting with "{"
(json object) but it received a payload starting with "[" (json array).

What SDK decides as *expects* is what we define in the swagger: Because the
SDK is actually generated using the swagger of the API (Chamin's article
mentions the info in detail).

If we look at the swagger definition of the /menu.

      x-auth-type: Application & Application User
      x-throttling-tier: Unlimited
      description: Return a list of available menu items
      parameters: []
          headers: {}
*          schema:*
*            title: Menu*
*            properties:*
*              list:*
*                items:*
*                  $ref: '#/definitions/MenuItem'*
*                type: array*
*            type: object*

It specifies the response as { "list" : [ {*menu_item1} , { menu_item2 }
.. *] } etc. This is a JSON object (starting with "{").

But seems like what you are getting as the actual response from /menu GET
call is something like this:  [ {*menu_item1} , { menu_item2 } .. *]
 (without the "list" part). This is a JSON array (starting with "["). This
violates what we specified in the swagger.

Can you fix the swagger as below from Publisher -> Edit -> Edit Source ->
Save & Publish API and try generating the SDK from Store and invoking once

      x-auth-type: Application & Application User
      x-throttling-tier: Unlimited
      description: Return a list of available menu items
      parameters: []
          description: OK. List of APIs is returned.
          headers: {}
*          schema:*
*            type: array*
*            items:*
*              $ref: '#/definitions/MenuItem'*

If this works, lets create an issue to track this to fix in a future


>  To sort it out I updated defaultAPI.java code of the SDK, to return a
> List<Menu> instead, and it got sorted. (See changes below)
>  public List<Menu> menuGet() throws ApiException {
>         ApiResponse<List<Menu>> resp = menuGetWithHttpInfo();
>         return resp.getData();
>     }
>        public ApiResponse<List<Menu>> menuGetWithHttpInfo() throws
> ApiException {
>         com.squareup.okhttp.Call call = menuGetCall(null, null);
>         Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken<List<Menu>>(){}.getType();
>         return apiClient.execute(call, localVarReturnType);
>     }
>  However, now I'm getting a response but the menu list is empty. Any idea
> what could be the issue?
> [1]https://docs.wso2.com/display/AM210/Write+a+Client+
> Application+Using+the+SDK#1a97b57b1791422f99d81743523b612e
> Thanks,
> Himasha Guruge
> Senior Software Engineer
> WS*O2* *Inc.*
> Mobile: +94 777459299 <+94%2077%20745%209299>
> himas...@wso2.com
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