
I cannot start ei6 anymore from developper studio, here are the logs.
Any idea ?

Version: Mars.2 Release (4.5.2)
Build id: 20160218-0600

note: it starts normally from bash line command  ./integrator.sh

[2018-02-23 09:14:52,506] [EI-Core]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator Starting WSO2 
[2018-02-23 09:14:52,512] [EI-Core]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator Operating 
System : Mac OS X 10.13.3, x86_64
[2018-02-23 09:14:52,512] [EI-Core]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator Java Home       
 : /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_161.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
[2018-02-23 09:14:52,512] [EI-Core]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator Java Version    
 : 1.8.0_161
[2018-02-23 09:14:52,512] [EI-Core]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator Java VM         
 : Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.161-b12,Oracle Corporation
[2018-02-23 09:14:52,512] [EI-Core]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator Carbon Home     
 : /Users/bparis/Documents/esb/wso2ei-6.1.1
[2018-02-23 09:14:52,512] [EI-Core]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator Java Temp Dir   
 : /Users/bparis/Documents/esb/wso2ei-6.1.1/tmp
[2018-02-23 09:14:52,512] [EI-Core]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator User            
 : bparis, fr-BE, Europe/Brussels
[2018-02-23 09:14:52,608] [EI-Core]  WARN - ValidationResultPrinter Swap Memory 
size (MB): 1024 of the system is below the recommended minimum size :2047
[2018-02-23 09:14:52,615] [EI-Core]  INFO - GoogleTokenGenDSComponent 
Activating GoogleTokengen DS component
[2018-02-23 09:14:52,686] [EI-Core]  INFO - KafkaEventAdapterServiceDS 
Successfully deployed the Kafka output event adaptor service
[2018-02-23 09:14:52,731] [EI-Core]  INFO - ManagementModeConfigurationLoader 
CEP started in Single node mode
[2018-02-23 09:14:54,093] [EI-Core]  INFO - EmbeddedRegistryService Configured 
Registry in 53ms
[2018-02-23 09:14:54,147] [EI-Core]  INFO - RegistryCoreServiceComponent 
Registry Mode    : READ-WRITE
[2018-02-23 09:14:55,736] [EI-Core]  INFO - SolrClient Default Embedded Solr 
Server Initialized
[2018-02-23 09:14:56,038] [EI-Core]  INFO - UserStoreMgtDSComponent Carbon 
UserStoreMgtDSComponent activated successfully.
[2018-02-23 09:15:09,064] [EI-Core]  INFO - TaglibUriRule TLD skipped. URI: 
http://tiles.apache.org/tags-tiles is already defined
[2018-02-23 09:16:09,678] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Carbon 
initialization is delayed due to the following unsatisfied items:
[2018-02-23 09:16:09,680] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Waiting for 
required Module: rampart-core-1.6.1-wso2v24
[2018-02-23 09:17:09,675] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Carbon 
initialization is delayed due to the following unsatisfied items:
[2018-02-23 09:17:09,676] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Waiting for 
required Module: rampart-core-1.6.1-wso2v24
[2018-02-23 09:18:09,675] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Carbon 
initialization is delayed due to the following unsatisfied items:
[2018-02-23 09:18:09,675] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Waiting for 
required Module: rampart-core-1.6.1-wso2v24
[2018-02-23 09:19:09,680] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Carbon 
initialization is delayed due to the following unsatisfied items:
[2018-02-23 09:19:09,680] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Waiting for 
required Module: rampart-core-1.6.1-wso2v24
[2018-02-23 09:20:09,678] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Carbon 
initialization is delayed due to the following unsatisfied items:
[2018-02-23 09:20:09,678] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Waiting for 
required Module: rampart-core-1.6.1-wso2v24
[2018-02-23 09:21:09,678] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Carbon 
initialization is delayed due to the following unsatisfied items:
[2018-02-23 09:21:09,678] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Waiting for 
required Module: rampart-core-1.6.1-wso2v24
[2018-02-23 09:22:09,680] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Carbon 
initialization is delayed due to the following unsatisfied items:
[2018-02-23 09:22:09,680] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Waiting for 
required Module: rampart-core-1.6.1-wso2v24
[2018-02-23 09:23:09,676] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Carbon 
initialization is delayed due to the following unsatisfied items:
[2018-02-23 09:23:09,676] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Waiting for 
required Module: rampart-core-1.6.1-wso2v24
[2018-02-23 09:24:09,676] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Carbon 
initialization is delayed due to the following unsatisfied items:
[2018-02-23 09:24:09,677] [EI-Core]  WARN - CarbonServerManager Waiting for 
required Module: rampart-core-1.6.1-wso2v24


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