Hello support.
I tried to configure Identity Server 5.4.1.* (I tried versions 5.4.1 update 1, 
2 or 3), but mostly I cannot login to protected pages. 9 of 10 tests fail, 1 
test passes OK. Our pages are protected by Shibboleth SP. When we use WSO2 IS 
5.3.0 with updates from 10/2017 everything worked OK. I tried also 5.4.0 update 
6 and there were the same problems, although not too often. After some tests I 
found out that the problem is only with MS IE 11 (I didn't test older MS IE 
versions). With the latest versions of Firefox, Opera and Chrome login works 
fine against (I assume that also with other 5.4.* version). During the 
tests my SP configuration wasn't changed. As a policy enforcement point we use 
Shibboleth SP 2.6.1 (Centos 7.3) and its configuration has been stable for 
several months (with IS 5.3.0).

Both 5.4.* versions show very strange behaviour when tested with MS IE 11: I 
see in Fiddler proxy that my username/password is sent twice to the WSO2 IS 
server. Both HTTP responses have status = 200, both contain SAMLResponse in the 
body, both Response.Status = Success, but the 1st response contains 
AttributeStatement with all attributes which I defined in SP-Claims screen. The 
2nd response doesn't contain any AttributeStatement.
Only the 2nd SAMLResponse (the worse one), without attributes, is sent by my 
browser to the SP.
When some Claims are mandatory, the second response is considered as incomplete 
and the user is redirected to 
 After submitting the form with missing claims there is NullPointerException in 
the wso2carbon.log, but it is only follow-up problem.

The primary problem is, that the login form (in login screen) is submitted 
twice for MS IE 11. It looks like there are two listeners registered to the 
onClick event of HTML element "button" (or something similar). But I am not 
Javascript expert.

I found at your page 
https://docs.wso2.com/display/compatibility/Tested+Web+Browsers that MS IE is 
not between tested browsers for WSO2 IS 5.4.0. But I think that it is still one 
of the most used browsers and you could solve this problem.

I found workarround for MS IE (and Edge). I updated 
 javascript function submitCredentials():
Before change:
        function submitCredentials () {
            var userName = document.getElementById("username");
            userName.value = userName.value.trim();
After change:
        function submitCredentials (event) {
            var userName = document.getElementById("username");
            userName.value = userName.value.trim();
                document.getElementById("submitbtn").disabled = true;
                var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
                var ms_ie = ua.indexOf('MSIE ');
                var ms_ie_trident = ua.indexOf('Trident/');
                var ms_edge = ua.indexOf('Edge/');
                if ( (ms_ie > -1) || (ms_ie_trident > -1) || (ms_edge > -1) ) {
I also added attributes name and id to element button: <button name="submitbtn" 
Avoid using id="submit" for element button.
Chrome had some problem with it - disabling element button by
document.getElementById("submit").disabled = true;
completely disabled also form submitting function.

But I have doubts about whether it is right solution.

Best regards,
Roman Chrenko

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