Hi Devs,

When I add a challenge question to existing challenge set ot create new
challenge question set from IS 5.3.0 carbon console, and when I invoke the
"getAllChallengeQuestions" operation in
UserIdentityManagementAdminService, it  returns the only old set of
challenge question. The newly added ones are not visible.

And also , when I add a new question using the "setChallengeQuestions" in
admin service, its get added, and I could not see this newly added question
in carbon console as well. And also If I invoke the "
getAllChallengeQuestions" method after adding a challenge question, it only
shows me the newly added one only.

Your inputs regarding this is highly appreciated.


Rajith Roshan
Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
Mobile: +94-717-064-214
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