Ah, I was wondering if XFire was ever going to get around to the server-side support for wsdl/xmlbeans. Glad to see you have something working!

I'm not sure when I'll have a moment to check this out - but I will. For sure I'll wait until after you have enough confidence in it to roll it into a real release.


Dan Diephouse wrote:
XFire (http://xfire.codehaus.org) can take a service class with xmlbeans and build the wsdl automatically. Just create your service class:

public class FooService
public YourXmlBeanResponseDocument doFoo(XmlBeanRequestDocument blah) throws XFireFault;

then register it:

XmlBeansServiceFactory factory = new XmlBeansServiceFactory(xfire.getTransportManager());
Service service = factory.create(FooService.class);

Once registered you can just load up FooService?wsdl in the browser and everything will be there.


   * You'll need to use the latest snapshot on the download page
   * Docs are a little bit weak
   * Doesn't work with JSR181 stuff (yet)



- Dan

Mark Swanson wrote:


I recently fixed the XmlBeansSerializer for Axis (CVS - 1.3 alpha).
I use other tools with XmlBeans and web services but was given a requirement to make this all work with Axis recently.

So I ran into a problem with XmlBeans and Axis. It's more of an Axis problem/issue but perhaps someone here might be able to shed some light.

Essentially the serializer/deserializer works fine - even with Anonymous types. However, one must statically map (by hand) all of the Java Class to schema mappings. Arg...

So, does anyone know what the easiest way would be to pull all of the the QNames and their corresponding java class names out of the schema.jar created by scomp? If I had that, I could dynamically map the XmlBeans [de]serializers and folks could actually use this wonderful technology within Axis.

Thanks for any thoughts.


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