The submission for last board meeting was too late, this is a new
submission for this month board meeting.

XMLBeans Board Report - July 2011

About XMLBeans:
XMLBeans is a tool that allows you to access the full power of XML in a
Java friendly way. The idea is that you can take advantage of the
richness and features of XML and XML Schema and have these features
mapped as naturally as possible to the equivalent Java language and
typing constructs. XMLBeans uses XML Schema to compile Java interfaces
and classes that you can then use to access and modify XML instance

XMLBeans missed the submission to last board meeting so this combines
information for the last month and the previous quarter.

This was a regular quarter for XMLBeans project, there were no release,
no new committers or changes in PMC.
Email traffic on mailing lists was lower than previous quarters, but for
last month the number got closer to older rate, there are still new
users with new usage questions that are answered promptly. 

XMLBeans PMC responded to boards request to remove the old releases from
Apache dist.

Also there are no known uses of XMLBeans trademark that might require
Apache's intervention at this point.  

Cezar Andrei

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