re: your draft board report which says: "there was no response" from infra....

I saw one post from you on infra, about the Spam, dated 10/22/2011 at 7:15 PM,
and a response from infra on the same day less than an hour later.  I guess you
must have missed that reply?  It was sent to cezar.andrei "at" as
well as the infra list.  It offered a couple of ways to get control of spam, and
left the decision up to you on how to proceed.

Here's his reply:

    One solution is described here:

    If the PMC thinks this is a good idea, then please raise a JIRA for
    INFRA to update the WIki accordingly.

-Marshall Schor

On 12/17/2011 10:18 AM, Cezar Andrei wrote:
> Time for a new report to the board, if you have comments please send the
> asap, I will send the report later today.
> About XMLBeans:
> XMLBeans is a tool that allows you to access the full power of XML in a
> Java friendly way. The idea is that you can take advantage of the
> richness and features of XML and XML Schema and have these features
> mapped as naturally as possible to the equivalent Java language and
> typing constructs. XMLBeans uses XML Schema to compile Java interfaces
> and classes that you can then use to access and modify XML instance
> data.
> XMLBeans continues with activity on the mailing list, latest release was
> made available in the maven 2 repository missing found by an outside
> user. But in the same time code contributions are down, partly due to
> code stability.
> There were no new committers or PMC changes in the last quarter. 
> The only problem worth mentioning is the amount spam on the wiki. It
> can't be maintained manualy anymore. I asked a
> couple of times but there was no response. I my opinion, we require a
> global solution for all Apache wikis, if there isn't one already.
> XMLBeans PMC Chair
> Cezar Andrei
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