On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 7:00 AM, Flavio Junqueira <f...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:

> Most discussions apart from issues like new committers are open, and anyone
> in the community has the right to express an opinion, and I believe we in
> general do take opinions and suggestions into account. Consequently, I don't
> see much benefit in having a PMC member that does not have a set of
> responsabilities that is a superset of the of the ones of a committer.
Community members come and go, a sign of a healthy Apache project is adding
new committers and pmc members to ensure that the project continues to be
viable as this ebb/flow happens.

> At the same time, I don't see a reason for constraining PMC to be
> committers in the bylaws. I would much rather discuss each case
> individually, and evaluate the merit of the candidate accordingly.

We have clearly stated in the bylaws how one becomes a PMC member voting),
so I agree with you we don't need to update the bylaws. But it is a good
idea to outline how one becomes a PMC member and the criteria we (zk) use to
judge. Even if this is just a pointer to the links I sent earlier. (similar
to what we have for committers
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ZOOKEEPER/CommitterCriteria I
think this is what Mahadev was shooting for, get everyone on the same page;
current PMC members, new members as they are elected, and the community at


> On Mar 8, 2011, at 12:12 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
> i would like to the pmc to have more of a project management view. i
> think it would be great to have pmc members come up through the
> committer ranks, but i also think there may be potential pmc members
> that are more project management oriented than code oriented.
> for me an ideal pmc member would:
>  - understand the project
>  - have a good understanding for where the project should and
> shouldn't go, and be able to express that understanding
>  - should vote on releases and be involved in release discussions
>  - should participate in the mailing lists
>  - have a good view of how zookeeper sits in the apache eco system
>  - know what work is going on and identify areas of needed work
> a committer will do many of these things, but you could be the ideal
> pmc member and not be heavily involved in the coding, so making the
> pmc members a subset of the committers seems overly restrictive.
> actually it may be nice to have some members who don't have their
> heads down in the code so that they can take a broader view.
> so i guess the one attribute i would take issue with from your list is
> the "patch reviews and contributions". a pmc member should be familiar
> with the work going on in the project, but "patch reviews and
> contributions" is squarely in the committers area of responsibility.
> ben
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Mahadev Konar <maha...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I have been thinking about what should be the criteria for PMC
> members for ZK. I do not have much experience with PMC member criteria
> for other projects except for Hadoop. In Hadoop we indirectly imply
> that a PMC member be a superset of a committer. Meaning more
> responsibilities than a committer, more responsibility towards project
> direction, more responsibilities towards projects day to day
> activities.
>  and here is what I had in mind for ZK (mostly explicitly stating what
> we have in Hadoop):
> A PMC member should be able to get involved in the day to day
> activities of the project
>   - by day to day activities I imply
>      -  release discussions
>     -  code reviews/ could be any kind - documentation/ others (does
> not imply a deep understanding of the project), should be willing to
> contribute on any part of the project
>     -  should be willing to work with new contributors and mentor
> them (mostly a superset of committer).
>  - works well with other PMC members
> By the above I imply that a PMC member has a greater set of
> responsibilities that a committer and should be able to review (any
> contribution) and contribute towards ZK releases.
> What do others think?
> thanks
> mahadev
> *flavio*
> *junqueira*
> research scientist
> f...@yahoo-inc.com
> direct +34 93-183-8828
> avinguda diagonal 177, 8th floor, barcelona, 08018, es
> phone (408) 349 3300    fax (408) 349 3301

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