Hi All
ZooKeeper clients send ping request(heartbeat) to ZooKeeper server to keep its 
session alive. These ping requests do nothing but touch its session on the 

If client is connected to a follower then the ping request is processed in 
sequence of ServerCnxn --> ZooKeeperServer --> FollowerRequestProcessor --> 
CommitProcessor --> FinalRequestProcessor. The ping request will wait in 
CommitProcessor for previous request completion. This wait for ping request is 
unnecessary. I think it offers no benefit.

is ping request doing more than touching its session? I think it is only 
touching its session, not doing anything else.
If this is the case we should process the ping request differently from the 
other requests. It should be  treated as system request and should be processed 
with higher priority. May be we can process in the sequence of ServerCnxn --> 
ZooKeeperServer --> PingRequestProcessor

Any thought?


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