
Beom Heyn Kim updated ZOOKEEPER-2945:
Synchronization code in the syncWithLeader function of Learner.java seems not 
properly truncating the uncommitted write when the follower receives SNAP msg 
from the leader. So, inconsistency can occur in the in-memory data tree across 
nodes. Here is one procedure to reproduce the inconsistency. (Actually, this 
seems similar to my previous report on ZOOKEEPER-2832, but it was for 3.4.10 
and this one is for 3.4.11 and later)

# Start the ensemble with three nodes: node 0, 1 and 2 (the node 2 is the 
# Create 5 znodes with initial values as follow (key = value)
/testDivergenceResync0 = 0
/testDivergenceResync1 = 1
/testDivergenceResync2 = 2
/testDivergenceResync3 = 3
/testDivergenceResync4 = 4

To Reproduce:
# Diverge the node 2
a. Shutdown the node 0 and 1
b. Async setData to the node 2 writing 1000 to the key ‘/testDivergenceResync0’
c. Shutdown the node 2
# Restart the node 0 and 1 (let them finish with resync)
# Diverge the node 1
a. Shutdown the node 0
b. Async setData to the node 1 writing 1001 to the key ‘/testDivergenceResync1’
c. Shutdown the node 1
# Restart the node 0 and 1 (let them finish with resync)
# Diverge the node 1
a. Shutdown the node 0
b. Async setData to the node 1 writing 1002 to the key ‘/testDivergenceResync2’
c. Shutdown the node 1
# Restart the node 0 and 2 (let them finish with resync)
# Diverge the node 0
a. Shutdown the node 2
b. Async setData to the node 0 writing 1003 to the key ‘/testDivergenceResync3’
c. Shutdown the node 0
# Restart the node 1 and 2 (let them finish with resync)
# Diverge the node 2
a. Shutdown the node 1
b. Async setData to the node 2 writing 1004 to the key ‘/testDivergenceResync4’
c. Shutdown the node 2
# Restart the node 1 and 2 (let them finish with resync)
# Restart the node 0 (let it finish with resync)

Reading each key from each node directly will give us the output:
/testDivergenceResync0 on the node 0 = 0
/testDivergenceResync0 on the node 1 = 0
/testDivergenceResync0 on the node 2 = 0
/testDivergenceResync1 on the node 0 = 1001
/testDivergenceResync1 on the node 1 = 1001
/testDivergenceResync1 on the node 2 = 1001
/testDivergenceResync2 on the node 0 = 2
/testDivergenceResync2 on the node 1 = 1002
/testDivergenceResync2 on the node 2 = 2
/testDivergenceResync3 on the node 0 = 3
/testDivergenceResync3 on the node 1 = 3
/testDivergenceResync3 on the node 2 = 3
/testDivergenceResync4 on the node 0 = 1004
/testDivergenceResync4 on the node 1 = 1004
/testDivergenceResync4 on the node 2 = 1004
Thus, the value of key /testDivergenceResync2 is inconsistent across nodes.

What seems to happen:
# At the step 5, setData (at zxid 0x300000001) writing the value 1002 is 
committed on the node 1.
Log from the node 1:
2017-11-16 03:02:19,964 [myid:1] - DEBUG [ProcessThread(sid:1 
cport:-1)::CommitProcessor@174] - Processing request:: 
sessionid:0x100011108080000 type:setData cxid:0x4 zxid:0x300000001 txntype:5 
2017-11-16 03:02:19,964 [myid:1] - DEBUG [ProcessThread(sid:1 
cport:-1)::Leader@787] - Proposing:: sessionid:0x100011108080000 type:setData 
cxid:0x4 zxid:0x300000001 txntype:5 reqpath:n/a
2017-11-16 03:02:19,965 [myid:1] - INFO  [SyncThread:1:FileTxnLog@209] - 
Creating new log file: log.300000001
2017-11-16 03:02:20,016 [myid:1] - DEBUG [SyncThread:1:Leader@600] - Count for 
zxid: 0x300000001 is 1
2017-11-16 03:02:21,173 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Leader@512] - Shutting down
2017-11-16 03:02:21,173 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Leader@518] - Shutdown called
java.lang.Exception: shutdown Leader! reason: Not sufficient followers synced, 
only synced with sids: [ 1 ]

At the step 8, the node 1 is restarted and supposed to be properly resync’ed 
with the node 2 which is the leader. 
Log from the node 2:
2017-11-16 03:02:37,470 [myid:2] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11227:Leader@372] - LEADING - LEADER 
2017-11-16 03:02:37,479 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Follower sid: 1 : info : 
2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Synchronizing with 
Follower sid: 1 maxCommittedLog=0x0 minCommittedLog=0x0 peerLastZxid=0x300000001
2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
[LearnerHandler-/] - proposals is empty
2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Sending SNAP
2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Sending snapshot last 
zxid of peer is 0x300000001  zxid of leader is 0x500000000sent zxid of db as 
2017-11-16 03:02:37,701 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Received NEWLEADER-ACK 
message from 1
2017-11-16 03:02:37,702 [myid:2] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11227:Leader@962] - Have quorum of 
supporters, sids: [ 1,2 ]; starting up and setting last processed zxid: 
Log from the node 1:
2017-11-16 03:02:37,473 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Follower@65] - FOLLOWING - LEADER 
2017-11-16 03:02:37,475 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:QuorumPeer$QuorumServer@184] - 
Resolved hostname: to address: /
2017-11-16 03:02:37,593 [myid:1] - INFO  
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - 
Accepted socket connection from /
2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Learner@336] - Getting a snapshot 
from leader 0x200000001
2017-11-16 03:02:37,627 [myid:1] - WARN  
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Exception 
causing close of 
session 0x0: ZooKeeperServer not running
2017-11-16 03:02:37,627 [myid:1] - DEBUG 
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - IOException 
stack trace
java.io.IOException: ZooKeeperServer not running
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
2017-11-16 03:02:37,627 [myid:1] - INFO  
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Closed socket 
connection f
or client / (no session established for client)
2017-11-16 03:02:37,629 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:FileTxnSnapLog@248] - Snapshotting: 
0x200000001 to 
The node 2 sends SNAP msg so that the node 1 can restore its in-memory data 
tree from the snapshot of the in-memory data tree on the node 2. 
On the other hand, the node 1 will clear its in-memory data tree and restore it 
with the snapshot from the node 2. Then, it takes its own snapshot at zxid 
However, this does not remove the setData at zxid 0x300000001 from the 
transaction log on the node 1.
At the step 10, the node 1 is restarted again and supposed to be properly 
resync’ed with the node 2 which is the leader again.
Log from the node 2:
2017-11-16 03:03:21,033 [myid:2] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11227:Leader@372] - LEADING - LEADER 
2017-11-16 03:03:21,038 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Follower sid: 1 : info : 
2017-11-16 03:03:21,103 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Synchronizing with 
Follower sid: 1 maxCommittedLog=0x500000004 minCommittedLog=0x500000001 
2017-11-16 03:03:21,103 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
[LearnerHandler-/] - proposal size is 4
2017-11-16 03:03:21,103 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
[LearnerHandler-/] - Sending proposals to 
2017-11-16 03:03:21,103 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Sending DIFF
2017-11-16 03:03:21,156 [myid:2] - INFO  
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - 
Accepted socket connection from /
2017-11-16 03:03:21,178 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Received NEWLEADER-ACK 
message from 1
2017-11-16 03:03:21,178 [myid:2] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11227:Leader@962] - Have quorum of 
supporters, sids: [ 1,2 ]; starting up and setting last processed zxid: 
2017-11-16 03:03:21,196 [myid:2] - WARN  
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Exception 
causing close of session 0x0: ZooKeeperServer not running
2017-11-16 03:03:21,196 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - IOException 
stack trace
java.io.IOException: ZooKeeperServer not running
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
2017-11-16 03:03:21,196 [myid:2] - INFO  
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Closed socket 
connection for client / (no session established for client)
2017-11-16 03:03:21,237 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
[LearnerHandler-/] - outstanding is 0
Log from the node 1:
2017-11-16 03:03:21,034 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Follower@65] - FOLLOWING - LEADER 
2017-11-16 03:03:21,035 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:QuorumPeer$QuorumServer@184] - 
Resolved hostname: to address: /
2017-11-16 03:03:21,104 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Learner@332] - Getting a diff from 
the leader 0x500000004
2017-11-16 03:03:21,105 [myid:1] - WARN  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Learner@387] - Got zxid 0x500000004 
expected 0x1
2017-11-16 03:03:21,189 [myid:1] - INFO  [SyncThread:1:FileTxnLog@209] - 
Creating new log file: log.500000004
2017-11-16 03:03:21,189 [myid:1] - DEBUG 
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:CommitProcessor@164] - Committing 
request:: sessionid:0x2000111082b0000 type:setData cxid:0x4 zxid:0x500000004 
txntype:5 reqpath:n/a
2017-11-16 03:03:21,189 [myid:1] - DEBUG 
[CommitProcessor:1:FinalRequestProcessor@89] - Processing request:: 
sessionid:0x2000111082b0000 type:setData cxid:0x4 zxid:0x500000004 txntype:5 
When the node 1 is restarted, it restores its in-memory data tree from the 
snapshot at zxid 0x200000001 and replay setData at zxid 0x300000001 (which 
actually needed to be truncated)
However, the node 2 just sends DIFF containing setData written at 9th path, and 
no truncation will be occurred.
As a result, the node 1 still has the value 1002 while other nodes will have 
the value 2 for the same key

Synchronization code in the syncWithLeader function of Learner.java seems not 
properly truncating the uncommitted write when the follower receives SNAP msg 
from the leader. So, inconsistency can occur in the in-memory data tree across 
nodes. Here is one procedure to reproduce the inconsistency. (Actually, this 
seems similar to my previous report on ZOOKEEPER-2832, but it was for 3.4.10 
and this one is for 3.4.11 and later)

# Start the ensemble with three nodes: node 0, 1 and 2 (the node 2 is the 
# Create 5 znodes with initial values as follow (key = value)
/testDivergenceResync0 = 0
/testDivergenceResync1 = 1
/testDivergenceResync2 = 2
/testDivergenceResync3 = 3
/testDivergenceResync4 = 4

To Reproduce:
# Diverge the node 2
a. Shutdown the node 0 and 1
b. Async setData to the node 2 writing 1000 to the key ‘/testDivergenceResync0’
c. Shutdown the node 2
# Restart the node 0 and 1 (let them finish with resync)
# Diverge the node 1
a. Shutdown the node 0
b. Async setData to the node 1 writing 1001 to the key ‘/testDivergenceResync1’
c. Shutdown the node 1
# Restart the node 0 and 1 (let them finish with resync)
# Diverge the node 1
a. Shutdown the node 0
b. Async setData to the node 1 writing 1002 to the key ‘/testDivergenceResync2’
c. Shutdown the node 1
# Restart the node 0 and 2 (let them finish with resync)
# Diverge the node 0
a. Shutdown the node 2
b. Async setData to the node 0 writing 1003 to the key ‘/testDivergenceResync3’
c. Shutdown the node 0
# Restart the node 1 and 2 (let them finish with resync)
# Diverge the node 2
a. Shutdown the node 1
b. Async setData to the node 2 writing 1004 to the key ‘/testDivergenceResync4’
c. Shutdown the node 2
# Restart the node 1 and 2 (let them finish with resync)
# Restart the node 0 (let it finish with resync)

Reading each key from each node directly will give us the output:
/testDivergenceResync0 on the node 0 = 0
/testDivergenceResync0 on the node 1 = 0
/testDivergenceResync0 on the node 2 = 0
/testDivergenceResync1 on the node 0 = 1001
/testDivergenceResync1 on the node 1 = 1001
/testDivergenceResync1 on the node 2 = 1001
/testDivergenceResync2 on the node 0 = 2
/testDivergenceResync2 on the node 1 = 1002
/testDivergenceResync2 on the node 2 = 2
/testDivergenceResync3 on the node 0 = 3
/testDivergenceResync3 on the node 1 = 3
/testDivergenceResync3 on the node 2 = 3
/testDivergenceResync4 on the node 0 = 1004
/testDivergenceResync4 on the node 1 = 1004
/testDivergenceResync4 on the node 2 = 1004
Thus, the value of key /testDivergenceResync2 is inconsistent across nodes.

What seems to happen:
# At the step 5, setData (at zxid 0x300000001) writing the value 1002 is 
committed on the node 1.
Log from the node 1:
2017-11-16 03:02:19,964 [myid:1] - DEBUG [ProcessThread(sid:1 
cport:-1)::CommitProcessor@174] - Processing request:: 
sessionid:0x100011108080000 type:setData cxid:0x4 zxid:0x300000001 txntype:5 
2017-11-16 03:02:19,964 [myid:1] - DEBUG [ProcessThread(sid:1 
cport:-1)::Leader@787] - Proposing:: sessionid:0x100011108080000 type:setData 
cxid:0x4 zxid:0x300000001 txntype:5 reqpath:n/a
2017-11-16 03:02:19,965 [myid:1] - INFO  [SyncThread:1:FileTxnLog@209] - 
Creating new log file: log.300000001
2017-11-16 03:02:20,016 [myid:1] - DEBUG [SyncThread:1:Leader@600] - Count for 
zxid: 0x300000001 is 1
2017-11-16 03:02:21,173 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Leader@512] - Shutting down
2017-11-16 03:02:21,173 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Leader@518] - Shutdown called
java.lang.Exception: shutdown Leader! reason: Not sufficient followers synced, 
only synced with sids: [ 1 ]

*no* further _formatting_ is done here

At the step 8, the node 1 is restarted and supposed to be properly resync’ed 
with the node 2 which is the leader. 
Log from the node 2:
2017-11-16 03:02:37,470 [myid:2] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11227:Leader@372] - LEADING - LEADER 
2017-11-16 03:02:37,479 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Follower sid: 1 : info : 
2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Synchronizing with 
Follower sid: 1 maxCommittedLog=0x0 minCommittedLog=0x0 peerLastZxid=0x300000001
2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
[LearnerHandler-/] - proposals is empty
2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Sending SNAP
2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Sending snapshot last 
zxid of peer is 0x300000001  zxid of leader is 0x500000000sent zxid of db as 
2017-11-16 03:02:37,701 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Received NEWLEADER-ACK 
message from 1
2017-11-16 03:02:37,702 [myid:2] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11227:Leader@962] - Have quorum of 
supporters, sids: [ 1,2 ]; starting up and setting last processed zxid: 
Log from the node 1:
2017-11-16 03:02:37,473 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Follower@65] - FOLLOWING - LEADER 
2017-11-16 03:02:37,475 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:QuorumPeer$QuorumServer@184] - 
Resolved hostname: to address: /
2017-11-16 03:02:37,593 [myid:1] - INFO  
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - 
Accepted socket connection from /
2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Learner@336] - Getting a snapshot 
from leader 0x200000001
2017-11-16 03:02:37,627 [myid:1] - WARN  
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Exception 
causing close of 
session 0x0: ZooKeeperServer not running
2017-11-16 03:02:37,627 [myid:1] - DEBUG 
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - IOException 
stack trace
java.io.IOException: ZooKeeperServer not running
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
2017-11-16 03:02:37,627 [myid:1] - INFO  
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Closed socket 
connection f
or client / (no session established for client)
2017-11-16 03:02:37,629 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:FileTxnSnapLog@248] - Snapshotting: 
0x200000001 to 
The node 2 sends SNAP msg so that the node 1 can restore its in-memory data 
tree from the snapshot of the in-memory data tree on the node 2. 
On the other hand, the node 1 will clear its in-memory data tree and restore it 
with the snapshot from the node 2. Then, it takes its own snapshot at zxid 
However, this does not remove the setData at zxid 0x300000001 from the 
transaction log on the node 1.
At the step 10, the node 1 is restarted again and supposed to be properly 
resync’ed with the node 2 which is the leader again.
Log from the node 2:
2017-11-16 03:03:21,033 [myid:2] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11227:Leader@372] - LEADING - LEADER 
2017-11-16 03:03:21,038 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Follower sid: 1 : info : 
2017-11-16 03:03:21,103 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Synchronizing with 
Follower sid: 1 maxCommittedLog=0x500000004 minCommittedLog=0x500000001 
2017-11-16 03:03:21,103 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
[LearnerHandler-/] - proposal size is 4
2017-11-16 03:03:21,103 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
[LearnerHandler-/] - Sending proposals to 
2017-11-16 03:03:21,103 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Sending DIFF
2017-11-16 03:03:21,156 [myid:2] - INFO  
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - 
Accepted socket connection from /
2017-11-16 03:03:21,178 [myid:2] - INFO  
[LearnerHandler-/] - Received NEWLEADER-ACK 
message from 1
2017-11-16 03:03:21,178 [myid:2] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11227:Leader@962] - Have quorum of 
supporters, sids: [ 1,2 ]; starting up and setting last processed zxid: 
2017-11-16 03:03:21,196 [myid:2] - WARN  
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Exception 
causing close of session 0x0: ZooKeeperServer not running
2017-11-16 03:03:21,196 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - IOException 
stack trace
java.io.IOException: ZooKeeperServer not running
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
2017-11-16 03:03:21,196 [myid:2] - INFO  
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Closed socket 
connection for client / (no session established for client)
2017-11-16 03:03:21,237 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
[LearnerHandler-/] - outstanding is 0
Log from the node 1:
2017-11-16 03:03:21,034 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Follower@65] - FOLLOWING - LEADER 
2017-11-16 03:03:21,035 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:QuorumPeer$QuorumServer@184] - 
Resolved hostname: to address: /
2017-11-16 03:03:21,104 [myid:1] - INFO  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Learner@332] - Getting a diff from 
the leader 0x500000004
2017-11-16 03:03:21,105 [myid:1] - WARN  
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Learner@387] - Got zxid 0x500000004 
expected 0x1
2017-11-16 03:03:21,189 [myid:1] - INFO  [SyncThread:1:FileTxnLog@209] - 
Creating new log file: log.500000004
2017-11-16 03:03:21,189 [myid:1] - DEBUG 
[QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:CommitProcessor@164] - Committing 
request:: sessionid:0x2000111082b0000 type:setData cxid:0x4 zxid:0x500000004 
txntype:5 reqpath:n/a
2017-11-16 03:03:21,189 [myid:1] - DEBUG 
[CommitProcessor:1:FinalRequestProcessor@89] - Processing request:: 
sessionid:0x2000111082b0000 type:setData cxid:0x4 zxid:0x500000004 txntype:5 
When the node 1 is restarted, it restores its in-memory data tree from the 
snapshot at zxid 0x200000001 and replay setData at zxid 0x300000001 (which 
actually needed to be truncated)
However, the node 2 just sends DIFF containing setData written at 9th path, and 
no truncation will be occurred.
As a result, the node 1 still has the value 1002 while other nodes will have 
the value 2 for the same key

> Synchronization code on the follower does not truncate uncommitted write when 
> it receives SNAP from the leader
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ZOOKEEPER-2945
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-2945
>             Project: ZooKeeper
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.4.11, 3.4.12
>            Reporter: Beom Heyn Kim
> Synchronization code in the syncWithLeader function of Learner.java seems not 
> properly truncating the uncommitted write when the follower receives SNAP msg 
> from the leader. So, inconsistency can occur in the in-memory data tree 
> across nodes. Here is one procedure to reproduce the inconsistency. 
> (Actually, this seems similar to my previous report on ZOOKEEPER-2832, but it 
> was for 3.4.10 and this one is for 3.4.11 and later)
> Initially:
> # Start the ensemble with three nodes: node 0, 1 and 2 (the node 2 is the 
> leader)
> # Create 5 znodes with initial values as follow (key = value)
> {noformat}
> /testDivergenceResync0 = 0
> /testDivergenceResync1 = 1
> /testDivergenceResync2 = 2
> /testDivergenceResync3 = 3
> /testDivergenceResync4 = 4
> {noformat}
> To Reproduce:
> # Diverge the node 2
> a. Shutdown the node 0 and 1
> b. Async setData to the node 2 writing 1000 to the key 
> ‘/testDivergenceResync0’
> c. Shutdown the node 2
> # Restart the node 0 and 1 (let them finish with resync)
> # Diverge the node 1
> a. Shutdown the node 0
> b. Async setData to the node 1 writing 1001 to the key 
> ‘/testDivergenceResync1’
> c. Shutdown the node 1
> # Restart the node 0 and 1 (let them finish with resync)
> # Diverge the node 1
> a. Shutdown the node 0
> b. Async setData to the node 1 writing 1002 to the key 
> ‘/testDivergenceResync2’
> c. Shutdown the node 1
> # Restart the node 0 and 2 (let them finish with resync)
> # Diverge the node 0
> a. Shutdown the node 2
> b. Async setData to the node 0 writing 1003 to the key 
> ‘/testDivergenceResync3’
> c. Shutdown the node 0
> # Restart the node 1 and 2 (let them finish with resync)
> # Diverge the node 2
> a. Shutdown the node 1
> b. Async setData to the node 2 writing 1004 to the key 
> ‘/testDivergenceResync4’
> c. Shutdown the node 2
> # Restart the node 1 and 2 (let them finish with resync)
> # Restart the node 0 (let it finish with resync)
> Reading each key from each node directly will give us the output:
> {noformat}
> /testDivergenceResync0 on the node 0 = 0
> /testDivergenceResync0 on the node 1 = 0
> /testDivergenceResync0 on the node 2 = 0
> /testDivergenceResync1 on the node 0 = 1001
> /testDivergenceResync1 on the node 1 = 1001
> /testDivergenceResync1 on the node 2 = 1001
> /testDivergenceResync2 on the node 0 = 2
> /testDivergenceResync2 on the node 1 = 1002
> /testDivergenceResync2 on the node 2 = 2
> /testDivergenceResync3 on the node 0 = 3
> /testDivergenceResync3 on the node 1 = 3
> /testDivergenceResync3 on the node 2 = 3
> /testDivergenceResync4 on the node 0 = 1004
> /testDivergenceResync4 on the node 1 = 1004
> /testDivergenceResync4 on the node 2 = 1004
> {noformat}
> Thus, the value of key /testDivergenceResync2 is inconsistent across nodes.
> What seems to happen:
> # At the step 5, setData (at zxid 0x300000001) writing the value 1002 is 
> committed on the node 1.
> Log from the node 1:
> {noformat}
> ...
> 2017-11-16 03:02:19,964 [myid:1] - DEBUG [ProcessThread(sid:1 
> cport:-1)::CommitProcessor@174] - Processing request:: 
> sessionid:0x100011108080000 type:setData cxid:0x4 zxid:0x300000001 txntype:5 
> reqpath:n/a
> 2017-11-16 03:02:19,964 [myid:1] - DEBUG [ProcessThread(sid:1 
> cport:-1)::Leader@787] - Proposing:: sessionid:0x100011108080000 type:setData 
> cxid:0x4 zxid:0x300000001 txntype:5 reqpath:n/a
> 2017-11-16 03:02:19,965 [myid:1] - INFO  [SyncThread:1:FileTxnLog@209] - 
> Creating new log file: log.300000001
> 2017-11-16 03:02:20,016 [myid:1] - DEBUG [SyncThread:1:Leader@600] - Count 
> for zxid: 0x300000001 is 1
> 2017-11-16 03:02:21,173 [myid:1] - INFO  
> [QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Leader@512] - Shutting down
> 2017-11-16 03:02:21,173 [myid:1] - INFO  
> [QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Leader@518] - Shutdown called
> java.lang.Exception: shutdown Leader! reason: Not sufficient followers 
> synced, only synced with sids: [ 1 ]
> ...
> {noformat}
> At the step 8, the node 1 is restarted and supposed to be properly resync’ed 
> with the node 2 which is the leader. 
> Log from the node 2:
> ...
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,470 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11227:Leader@372] - LEADING - LEADER 
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,479 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [LearnerHandler-/] - Follower sid: 1 : info 
> : org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeer$QuorumServer@46cc2846
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [LearnerHandler-/] - Synchronizing with 
> Follower sid: 1 maxCommittedLog=0x0 minCommittedLog=0x0 
> peerLastZxid=0x300000001
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
> [LearnerHandler-/] - proposals is empty
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [LearnerHandler-/] - Sending SNAP
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [LearnerHandler-/] - Sending snapshot last 
> zxid of peer is 0x300000001  zxid of leader is 0x500000000sent zxid of db as 
> 0x200000001
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,701 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [LearnerHandler-/] - Received NEWLEADER-ACK 
> message from 1
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,702 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11227:Leader@962] - Have quorum of 
> supporters, sids: [ 1,2 ]; starting up and setting last processed zxid: 
> 0x500000000
> ...
> Log from the node 1:
> ...
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,473 [myid:1] - INFO  
> [QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Follower@65] - FOLLOWING - LEADER 
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,475 [myid:1] - INFO  
> [QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:QuorumPeer$QuorumServer@184] - 
> Resolved hostname: 
> to address: /
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,593 [myid:1] - INFO  
> [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - 
> Accepted socket connection from /
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,626 [myid:1] - INFO  
> [QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Learner@336] - Getting a snapshot 
> from leader 0x200000001
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,627 [myid:1] - WARN  
> [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Exception 
> causing close of 
> session 0x0: ZooKeeperServer not running
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,627 [myid:1] - DEBUG 
> [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - IOException 
> stack trace
> java.io.IOException: ZooKeeperServer not running
>         at 
> org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn.readLength(NIOServerCnxn.java:977)
>         at 
> org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn.doIO(NIOServerCnxn.java:257)
>         at 
> org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxnFactory.run(NIOServerCnxnFactory.java:226)
>         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,627 [myid:1] - INFO  
> [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Closed 
> socket connection f
> or client / (no session established for client)
> 2017-11-16 03:02:37,629 [myid:1] - INFO  
> [QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:FileTxnSnapLog@248] - Snapshotting: 
> 0x200000001 to 
> /home/ben/project/strata/test-5-3-ZooKeeper-3.4.11-strata-0.1/data/1/version-2/snapshot.200000001
> ...
> Comment:
> The node 2 sends SNAP msg so that the node 1 can restore its in-memory data 
> tree from the snapshot of the in-memory data tree on the node 2. 
> On the other hand, the node 1 will clear its in-memory data tree and restore 
> it with the snapshot from the node 2. Then, it takes its own snapshot at zxid 
> 0x200000001. 
> However, this does not remove the setData at zxid 0x300000001 from the 
> transaction log on the node 1.
> At the step 10, the node 1 is restarted again and supposed to be properly 
> resync’ed with the node 2 which is the leader again.
> Log from the node 2:
> …
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,033 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11227:Leader@372] - LEADING - LEADER 
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,038 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [LearnerHandler-/] - Follower sid: 1 : info 
> : org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeer$QuorumServer@1e1cf18c
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,103 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [LearnerHandler-/] - Synchronizing with 
> Follower sid: 1 maxCommittedLog=0x500000004 minCommittedLog=0x500000001 
> peerLastZxid=0x500000003
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,103 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
> [LearnerHandler-/] - proposal size is 4
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,103 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
> [LearnerHandler-/] - Sending proposals to 
> follower
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,103 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [LearnerHandler-/] - Sending DIFF
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,156 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - 
> Accepted socket connection from /
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,178 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [LearnerHandler-/] - Received NEWLEADER-ACK 
> message from 1
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,178 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11227:Leader@962] - Have quorum of 
> supporters, sids: [ 1,2 ]; starting up and setting last processed zxid: 
> 0x600000000
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,196 [myid:2] - WARN  
> [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Exception 
> causing close of session 0x0: ZooKeeperServer not running
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,196 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
> [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - IOException 
> stack trace
> java.io.IOException: ZooKeeperServer not running
>         at 
> org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn.readLength(NIOServerCnxn.java:977)
>         at 
> org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn.doIO(NIOServerCnxn.java:257)
>         at 
> org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxnFactory.run(NIOServerCnxnFactory.java:226)
>         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,196 [myid:2] - INFO  
> [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Closed 
> socket connection for client / (no session established for 
> client)
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,237 [myid:2] - DEBUG 
> [LearnerHandler-/] - outstanding is 0
> ...
> Log from the node 1:
> …
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,034 [myid:1] - INFO  
> [QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Follower@65] - FOLLOWING - LEADER 
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,035 [myid:1] - INFO  
> [QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:QuorumPeer$QuorumServer@184] - 
> Resolved hostname: to address: /
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,104 [myid:1] - INFO  
> [QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Learner@332] - Getting a diff from 
> the leader 0x500000004
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,105 [myid:1] - WARN  
> [QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:Learner@387] - Got zxid 0x500000004 
> expected 0x1
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,189 [myid:1] - INFO  [SyncThread:1:FileTxnLog@209] - 
> Creating new log file: log.500000004
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,189 [myid:1] - DEBUG 
> [QuorumPeer[myid=1]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11224:CommitProcessor@164] - Committing 
> request:: sessionid:0x2000111082b0000 type:setData cxid:0x4 zxid:0x500000004 
> txntype:5 reqpath:n/a
> 2017-11-16 03:03:21,189 [myid:1] - DEBUG 
> [CommitProcessor:1:FinalRequestProcessor@89] - Processing request:: 
> sessionid:0x2000111082b0000 type:setData cxid:0x4 zxid:0x500000004 txntype:5 
> reqpath:n/a
> ...
> Comment:
> When the node 1 is restarted, it restores its in-memory data tree from the 
> snapshot at zxid 0x200000001 and replay setData at zxid 0x300000001 (which 
> actually needed to be truncated)
> However, the node 2 just sends DIFF containing setData written at 9th path, 
> and no truncation will be occurred.
> As a result, the node 1 still has the value 1002 while other nodes will have 
> the value 2 for the same key

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