Github user rakeshadr commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: src/docs/src/documentation/content/xdocs/zookeeperAdmin.xml ---
    @@ -950,6 +952,39 @@ server.3=zoo3:2888:3888</programlisting>
    +          <varlistentry>
    +            <term>zookeeper.extendedTypesEnabled</term>
    +            <listitem>
    +                <para>(Java system property only: <emphasis
    +              <para><emphasis role="bold">New in 3.5.4, 3.6.0:</emphasis> 
Define to "true" to enable
    +              extended features such as the creation of <ulink 
url="zookeeperProgrammers.html#TTL+Nodes">TTL Nodes</ulink>.
    +              They are disabled by default. IMPORTANT: when enabled server 
IDs must
    +              be less than 255 due to internal limitations.
    +              </para>
    +            </listitem>
    +          </varlistentry>
    +          <varlistentry>
    +            <term>zookeeper.emulate353TTLNodes</term>
    --- End diff --
    Yes, good point. We need to mention this as `deprecated `and highlight the 
intention of removing them in future. As per 
"";, are we able to 
remove it in 3.5.5 ?
    Also, in future how user with TTLNodes can be upgraded to a to a higher 
3.5.5+ or 3.6.0+ version directly from 3.5.3 ?
    Also, could you please raise a jira task to propose the best way to remove 
this workaround config and keep track of it, if not raised yet.


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