Hi gugs:I'am working on doing a big refactor for the documetations.it aims to  
- 1.make a better reading experiences and help users know more about zookeeper 
quickly,as good as other projects' doc(e.g redis,hbase). - 2.have less changes 
to diff with the original docs as far as possible. - 3.solve the problem when 
we have some new features or improvements,but cannot find a good place to doc 
The new catalog may looks kile this:    * is new one added.     ** is the one 
to keep unchanged as far as possible.     *** is the one 
    |---Welcome ** [1.1]    |---Overview ** [1.2]    |---Getting Started ** 
[1.3]    |---Release Notes ** [1.4]|---Developer    |---API *** [2.1]    
|---Programmer's Guide ** [2.2]    |---Recipes *** [2.3]    |---Clients * [2.4] 
   |---Use Cases * [2.5]|---Admin & Ops    |---Administrator's Guide ** [3.1]   
 |---Quota Guide ** [3.2]    |---JMX ** [3.3]    |---Observers Guide ** [3.4]   
 |---Dynamic Reconfiguration ** [3.5]    |---Zookeeper CLI * [3.6]    |---Shell 
* [3.7]    |---Configuration flags * [3.8]    |---Troubleshooting & Tuning  * 
[3.9]|---Contributor Guidelines    |---General Guidelines * [4.1]    
|---ZooKeeper Internals ** [4.2]|---Miscellaneous    |---Wiki ** [5.1]    
|---Mailing Lists ** 
The Roadmap is:1.(I pick up it : D)  1.1 write API[2.1], which includes the:    
 1.1.1  original API Docs which is a Auto-generated java doc,just give a link.  
  1.1.2. Restful-api (the apis under the 
  1.2 write Clients[2.4], which includes the:       1.2.1 C client       1.2.2 
zk-python, kazoo      1.2.3 Curator etc.......      look at an example from: 

2. write Recipes[2.3], which includes the:  - integrate "Java Example" and 
"Barrier and Queue Tutorial"(Since some bugs in the examples and they are 
obsolete,we may delete something) into it.  - suggest users to use the recipes 
implements of Curator and link to the Curator's recipes doc.
3. write Zookeeper CLI[3.6], which includes the:  - about how to use the zk 
command line interface [./zkCli.sh]    e.g  ls /; get ; rmr;create -e -p 
etc.......  - look at an example from redis: https://redis.io/topics/rediscli
4. write shell[3.7], which includes the:   - list all usages of the shells 
under the zookeeper/bin. (e.g zkTxnLogToolkit.sh,zkCleanup.sh)
5. write Configuration flags[3.8], which includes the:   - list all usages of 
configurations properties(e.g zookeeper.snapCount):    - move the original 
Advanced Configuration part of zookeeperAdmin.md into it.     look at an 
example from:https://coreos.com/etcd/docs/latest/op-guide/configuration.html   
6. write Troubleshooting & Tuning[3.9], which includes the:   - move the 
original "Gotchas: Common Problems and Troubleshooting" part of Administrator's 
Guide.md into it.   - move the original "FAQ" into into it.   - add some new 
contents (e.g 
   look at an example from:https://redis.io/topics/problems                     
7. write General Guidelines[4.1], which includes the:  - move the original 
"Logging" part of ZooKeeper Internals into it as the logger specification.  - 
write specifications about code, git commit messages,github PR  etc ...    look 
at an example from:    http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#hbase.commit.msg.format

8. write Use Cases[2.5], which includes the:  - just move the context from: 
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ZOOKEEPER/PoweredBy into it.  - add 
some new contents.(e.g Apache Projects:Spark;Companies:twitter,fb)
--------------------------------------------------------------BTW:- Any 
insights or suggestions are very welcomed.After the dicussions,I will create a 
series of tickets(An umbrella)- Since these works can be done parallelly, if 
you are interested in them, please don't hesitate,just assign to yourself, pick 
it up. (Notice: give me a ping to avoid the duplicated work).

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