
I think this could be achieved with help from `reconfig`[1]:
* Configs all nodes with `standaloneEnabled=false`, `reconfigEnabled=true`.
* Starts node-2 as sole quorum participant.
* Now node-2 is the leader. You will see "No server failure will be
tolerated. You need at least 3 servers”.
* Starts node-1 and node-3 with all quorum.
* `zkCli.sh config` shows only node-2 for now.
* `zkCli.sh reconfig -add node-1,node-2` will add both node-1, node-3 to
* According to `Leader.tryToCommit`[2], node-2 will be the leader due to
old leadership in old quorum and voter in new quorum.

node-2 is the leader in whole progress.

[1]: https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperReconfig.html

Kezhu Wang

On June 19, 2022 at 23:00:59, Heller, George A III CTR (USA) (
george.a.heller2....@mail.mil.invalid) wrote:

We have 3 Zookeeper nodes and would like node 2 to always be the leader
unless node 2 goes down. IF node 2 goes down, then either node 1 or node 3
would be the leader.

Can this be done? If so, how would this be done?

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