
I'm a PhD student at Princeton and I just started perusing the Zookeeper
codebase and wanted to ask about the consistency guarantees of zookeeper.

In the original paper
<https://www.usenix.org/legacy/event/atc10/tech/full_papers/Hunt.pdf> from
2011, the claim is that Zookeeper provides A-Linearizability for writes and
FIFO client order (which seems like it's talking about sequential
consistency/process order) for reads. But in the documentation
which was last updated in 2019, under the "Guarantees" subsection it says
the consistency provided is sequential consistency.

Now I haven't yet gone into the code in too much detail to look at this
from a low level (I'm hoping to in the next few days, so if you also have
pointers/tips as to where to look at first that'd be really helpful!), but
I just wanted to ask about this discrepancy. What are the consistency
guarantees for reads and writes? Is A-Linearizability (as defined in the
original paper) still provided?

Also thanks for having such a well documented code base! Excited to work
with it.


Anja Kalaba

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